62 AnExpofitionofthe 84. Pfalme. Verf. 9. Vfe 3. For admonition, it ferves effetually tomoveevery one to labour carefully for that eíiate , wherein they may truly have the Lord for their shield. Hereunto three things are neceffary. Firft , that we sand rightly in covenant with God, having avouched him for our God , not onely by recei- ving the feales ofthe covenant, in beingbaptized and com- ming to the Lords Table , whichHypocrites may do , but efpecially by reverend receiving the word of the covenant, andhumbly fubmitting our felvesthereto , as God requi- red, when he avouched Ifrael to be his people , Deut. 26. 16, 17, t 8. and theyperformed, when they fate down at his feet, everyone receiving hisword, Deut. 33. 3. Secondly , we muft fee that our hearts be endued with truefaith, whereby we truft in God unfeignedly, refting and relying upon his promife for all the bleflingsofthe co- venant. This graceentitles us to have God for our fhield. Prov. 3o: .5 . EverywordofGod is pure,he.is a fhield to thole that truft in him. Pfal. 1 8.30. The wordoftheLord is tried, he is abuckler to thofe that truft in him. Pfal. 28.7. The Lord is myftrength andmy fhield, my heart truf ed inhim, andI am helped : alfo, Pfal. 33. t 8, r 9, 2C. Thirdly, wemutt walk uprightlybefore him , making confcience of all finne, and leadinga godly life. This God required ofAbraham, towhom he promifed to become a fhield, Gen. 17. t . withGen. z S . 1. andSolomon gives affii- rance hereof, Prov. 2.7. He isa buckler to them that walk, uprightly, that is, to thofe that look in all things to pleafe God, and lean neither to this finne nor that. And to move us hereunto , let us confider the evils of the times in the abundance of iniquity, which cry to heaven for moll heavie judgements : let us think upon the troublesof other nations, and our own prefent danger fundry wayes, efpe- cially from divifions both in Church andRate. Now in times oftrouble, nothingcan be better forus, then tohave theLord forour shield , for then we need not fear , what can mando unto us ? Pfal. 118.'6. For