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Verf.9. Àn Expofatsonofthe 84. Pfalme. 83 Forcomfort, this makes greatly to all that be in cove- Vfe +Q nant with () od, and teflifie the truth of their faith by up- right walking before him : for God is their fhieldwhat need they feare.ConfiderPfal.27. I ,2.7heLordis my light andmyfalvation, Whomfhall Ifeare, &c, Jer. 20.1 t . The Lord is with me likea miphsy terrible one, therefore all mine enemies(hall be confounded,' ut I 'ball not beconfounded.This made `)avidnot to feare ten thoufand of the people that fhould befet him round about , Pfal. 3.6. nor walking through thefhadow ofdeath, Pfal. 23.4. This made the three fervants of theLord not fear the hot fiery furnace,nor the fierceneffe of the King, Dan. 3. 16, 17.&c. Now confider that God is without fhadowofchange, . lam, i . 17. and hewas a fhield to Abraham, `David,e- remie, and others ; let us therefore labour to be like them, and we may with like confidence refI affured ofGods pro-, taction, as the Lord promifed, z Kings 9. 4, 5. and as the godly do comfortably expel, Pfal. z2. 4, 5 The fecond thing to be noted here, isthe favour which 2 06fervd- he begs and craves of God, namely, that Godwould be- tion. hold and look upon his face, that is, look upon him favou- rably, taking graciousnoticeofhiseftate and defire, 'Pfal. 142.4. loose upon my right handand fee, fo the words are in theoriginali as the marginali readinghath it, Pfal. 1 19. 13 2. Look upon me andbe mercifnll unto me, Pfal. 80. i4. Lookdownfrom heaven andbehold, fo If. 63.15. Lookdown fromheavenand beholdfrom thehabitation ofthy holineffe, and ofthyglory. The reafons hereofare two : Fire, becaufe Gods looking Reafon Ia upon his facewas a comfortable figne of his favour and ,kindneffe, as Pfal. 80. 3.7. 19. Caufe thy face to Thine and We /hall befaved, Pfal. 31. 36. Make thyface tofhine,Pave mefor thy merciesfake. This is more plain by thecontrary Gods hidingofhis face, which is in fcripture a plain figne of anger and difpleafure, Deutr. 31. 17, 18. Theis fballmine anger be kindled againfi' them, and .I1 ill forfak them, and IWillhide myface from them and Pfal. 13. I. I Hero