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64 An Expoftionofthe 84. Pfalme. Verf.q , How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord,for ever ? Ho,, long wilt than hide thyface fromme ? Reafon 2. Secondly, Daviddefired God to lookupon his face,be- caufe he conceived it might be a fpeciall means tomove to mercy. For Davidnodoubt, fhewed in his very counte- nance a godly forrow for his reftraint fromGods fanua_ ry, as alfo an earneft defire of that favour, that he might fafely frequent the place of Gods worship, feePfd. 42. i, 2. for his earneft dcfire, and verfe 3,4.9.for hisforrow and mourning. This ferves for inf1ruL4ion and for admonition. Vfe Y. For infirnetion twowayes : -Era., the forme of words and phrafe hereufed fhew a notable way to,,f{irre up and movecompanion towards others, namely, to look upon and behold their miferies : for therefore no doubt doth Davidentreat theLord to look upon his face,that the view of hismournfull countenance might Liirre up compaflion towards him, fo Lam. i.12. Is it nothing toyon,allye that (fe by ? Behold andfee ifthere be anyfarrow like my for- . row.. vfe j; Secondly, feehere that the favourofGod is to thechild ofGod a thingofhigh efteem, elfethefinalleft fìgne there- of in a cheerful! countenance and lovely look would not be fo earneftly defired, indeed with naturali men it is not fo they fayunto God, departfrom us, What can the Almighty doeforms ? Job22.17. But with thegodly it is otherwife, Pfal. 3o. 5. Inhisfavour is life, nay Pfal. 63. 3 . His loving ¿indneffe is better then life, which made David tobid Za- doc(to bringback the arkofGod untohis place, faying, If bayefoodfavour in theeyes of Lord, heWill bring me again, andden, me both it, andhis habitation. But ifhe fay, aT have nodelight in thee, behold, here I am, let him doe to MV, WS feemeth himfood,.2 Sam. 15. z5, 26. Vie 3. For admonition it ferves three wayes 1irft, to imitate David.inour prayers, labouring in owrvery countenance to op* truly the goodaffealopsofour Iteartss by . mutual full