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Veil'. g. An Expefitionofthe84. Pfalene. full looks inconfeßionoffires, as Pfal. 55. 2. Attend stn. to me, andheare me, Imourne in my complaint and mare s noire, and 6y, cheerfull countenance in thanksfriving ; fo fer- ving the Lordwith a cheerfull and glad heart for his good: blefiing, is Deut. 28.47. Secondly, to learn of`David how to lkirre up our hearts tocharitable compaffion towards them that be in mifery, namely, exercifeour fenfes upon the objects ofmercy. Hi- therto belongs the charge, If. 58. 7. Hidenot thyfelffrom thine ownfielb. That was the uncharitable pratlice of the Prieít andLevite to turne away from the wounded man, Luke io. 3r,;2, 33. Thirdly, this muft teach us with David to make high account ofGods favour, efteeming it as our own life, as Daviddid. And for the fureobtaining ofit, labour to be found in Chrift, inwhom only it is to behad, ?ohm 14.6. with Ezek, 39.29. Neitherwill Ihide my face any more from them. Alfo tobeware ofall finne, whereby it is cer- ik tainly loft, asDeut. 31. i I, i 8. Ezek. 39.2 3, 24. And in particular, feeing thewant offaith and obedience,the chief 'fruits ofthe word of the Kingdome, caufe God to take it from us, Mat.2 r. 43. therefore in fpeciall manner wemutt giveall diligence to makeour calling and election fure, 2 Pet. I. 5,6,ßc. The third thing tobe notedhere is,the reafonor argument implyed in the title, which Davidgives to himfelf tomove God to fhew favour untohim, namely, becaufe he is the Lords annointed. It is molt true, that the fon ofGod the fecond perfon in Trinitywas at this time, and from thebe- ginning ofthe world in Gods purpofe and promife, the Lordr.annointed, as he is called the lamb (lain, Rev. 13. 8. whereon he is called the Mefras or annointedlong before his incarnation, Dan. 9. 24, 25. whofe coming was expe- aed_by all theJewes,as7ohn4.2 ç.And it may be `Vavidin this title had reference to his mediation, in whole alone merits and worthineífe the godly in all ages have audience with God, as Day. p.17. Casrfe thy face tothineupon "thy I i z fantuary ZJfe Vfes