66 4nExpifationofthe 84. Pfalnte. Verf. 9. fanauary for theLords fake , that is , for the Lord Chrift jefus fake. And fo fromDavid , we muff learn to beg all bleffìrigs ofGod for Chrifts fake, as john 16. z3, 24. with ?ohn i 4. 6. Yet withal! we muff know , that David fides l'imfelf Gods anointed , with fpeciall reference to that high favour and honour whereto God had advanced him. when he anointed him by Samuel, to be King over his peo- ple, as i Sam. 16. i 2. Pfal. 89. 20. whereby he made him not onely a type,but an honourable progenitour ofChrifl, as that fame Pfalm implies , verf. 24, 27, 28, 29. Andup- on confideration of that great and extraordinary favour, hebegs that which is lefle, evena gracious refpeEt for free- dome and liberty in Gods holy fanc4uary, as the next verfe, which propounds the reafon of his earneíf defire , doth plainly import. ®bferva- Mark then, that becaufe Davidwas the Lords anointed, Lion. thereforehebegs that grace and favour to enjoywith free- dome, the Ordinances ofGod in his holy Sanc`?fuary. To the fame effea , he prayes, Pfd. 13 2. t o. For thyfervant Davidsfake, turn not away the face ofthine anointed. Deafen The reafonhereof is plain. Firil,becaufe thevery exter- nail union was an high honour and a rare favour, as is implied, t Sam. i 5. 17. When thou waft final/ and little in thine (One eyes, waft thou not made the headof the tribes of Ifrael , and the Lord anointed thee King over Ifrael ? But being joyned with the thing fignified , even the in- ward graces of the fpirit , as it was in David, a Samuel 33. 1)2. wherehe is faid tobe the man that was railed up on high, the anointed of the LORD , endued with the Spirit , thus it did entitle him to GODS fpe- ciallmercy, as Pfelm 89.20, 28.. GOD promifed, fay- ing,. I have found `David my fervant , with my holy oyle have I anointed him My mercy will I keep for him forever : and David acknowledgeth, Pfalm 18.5o. Great deliverancesgivethhe tobis King : Hefheweth mercy . tabs:: anointed. Xeafn z; Secondly, Davidpropounds this motive toGod, to be Row