Verf.9. AnExpofitionofthe 84. Pfalme. 67 Row upon him this favour , becaufe hereby he íhould be better enabled to walk worthy of the honour conferred upon him , in his anointing : as fee Ifaiah 2. 3. hereGod teacheth his wayes for their enabling to walk in his paths. This ferves for infiruflion, and foradmonition. For inflruetion two wayes. Firíi, it lets us fee a com- Vfe z. mendable property in the godly , to obferve and mark Gods favours towards them , for their better encourage- ment todepend uponhim , and to pray unto him for fur- ther bleflings. See z Sam, 17. 34, 37. Thy fervant kept hisfathers "beep, &c. Pfal. 56. i3. Thou haft delivertdmy foulfromdeath : Wilt thounot deliver myfeetfromfalling ? So didSampfon in his great thiríl, yudg. z 5. t 8. This we fhould the rather mark , for our example in following the godly herein, both becaufe God requires it for our good, pfal. zz T.4. Hehashmadehis wonderfull works to be rep. membred : and verre 2. they are fought out of all them that pleafure therein. vYtichah6. 5. Remember now, O my people, what BalakKing of Moab confulted , and what Balaam the fonneofBeor anfwered him, fromShit timunto Gi gal, that ye might know the righteoufneífeof theLord. And alto blames thofe that forget his works and dealing towards them, as Pfal. z o6.7. Our fathers un- derflood not thy wonders in Egypt , they remembred not the multitude of thymercies : but provoked himat the fea, verfe r3. They foon forgate his workes,. they waitednot for hiscounfell,verfe 2I . They forgate God-their Saviour For this, good King Afa is blamed , 2 Chron. T6, 8. Were not the Ethiopians, &c. Secondly , here behold a great prerogativeand privi yfe 2.. ledgeofall the godly that be true believers,for theyhavee- ver in themfelves , though not ofthemfelves but from the Lord ; a comfortable groundof encouragement to goto God in prayer for any needfull blefíing : which is, befide his command and promife, Pfalm 5o. 5. 15. thehonour, of holyunftion they are theLords anointed ones, thoughnot ,T 1 3 with.