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6 AnExpofitionofthe 84. Pfafine. drerf. 9. withmaterial! oyle (theufe whereof ended in Chrift , as all legall types did, Col. z, 17. fhb. I o. 6.) yet with the graces of theholy Ghofl,which are fpirituall oyle,as yohn 24.;27. By which they are made Kingsand. Priefts unto God, Rev. I.6. an holy prieflhood to offer up fpirituall facrifices acceptable to Godby Jefus Chrift ; whereon they are calledChrifts fellowes, Pfal. 4 5. yea Chrift himfelf is not afhamed tocall them brethren, Heb.2.I I. And fo they are indeed by thegraceoffaith, as Çal. 3. 26, 1 ?ohn 5. r. Chrift indeedhath the preheminence, for he is the naturali forme, as he is the fecond perfon inTrinity,the only begot- ten, ?ohn I. 4.and as incarnate, mademan the fon of God alfo, Mat. 3.17. by the graceof perfonall union. For admonition two wayes to every one that would pray vfe 3. with.comfort. Firft,j tomake tryall whether we the Lords annoin- ted fpiritually, which is, by endowment withfah graces of the fpirit, as declare us to be made of Chrift, Priells un to God, to offer up fpirituall facrifices, which are ; Firft, our felves in foules andbodies through faith inChrift , as Reim. 6. 13. yeeld up your felves unto God, Rom. 12. I. which is known by fanctification joyned with profeílion of faith, as Rom. is. 16. Secondly, our prayers and praifes, as Pfal. 141. 2. Let my prayer befetforth as i ecenfe, and Heh. .13. 15 . the facri- fice of praiíè, the fruit of the lips,or as Hof.i4.2. the calves ofour lips. Vfe 4. Secondly, in the want of affiirance of this honourable ftate togive all diligence in the Paving and holy ufe ofGods means to attain unto it, which requires, firif, leaving the world, though not for habitation, yet forbehaviour and condition; for the world receives not this annointing, yohn 14.17. whence Chrift told his Difciples he had chofen them out of the world, yohn 15. 19. meaning by his holy calling, wheretoPaul exhorteth theRomanes, chap. 12.2. Fafhion notyourfelves, &c. The worlds faíhion to be left is finne, in general!, 1 7ohn 5.19. and in particular the lulls of