An Expof tionofthe 84. Pfalmne. oftheflefh, the luft ofthe eye, and pride oflife, t yohn 16. Now this is by true repentance, whereon the fpirit is promifed,Prov. I. 23. with AFts z. 38. Secondly, wait for this gift ofthe fpirit in the facred ordinances of the word and prayer, the word eflCis to. 44. ÇaI. 3. 2. and prayer, Luke i r. i 3.doherein as the people didat Bethef da, ?ohn 5.3, 4. yet let us look to the affections of our heartstowards thisannointing in the ufe of meaner ; for we mull. do it with an holy defire, If. 44.3. and ever joyn obedience with our endeavour, AFts 5.32. Verfe r e. For a thy in thy Courts, is better then a thoufand. I had rather be a Door-keeper in the houfe ofmyGod,then to dwell in the tents ofwickednef e. He Prophet havingfundrywayes expreffedhis zealous affection towards thehoufe ofGod, firít, byway of admiration,verfe I. 2. By plain difcovery ofhis affection, verfe 2. 3. By lamentation, verfe 3. 4. By instruction, touching the happineffe ofthe PrieJsand Levites, vrf 4. 5. By humble and earned fupplication for audience and fa- vour to enjoy the blefíìng he fo much defired, verfe 8, and 9. doth in this verfe (to prevent the admirationof Tome, and the derifionofothers, who would account this holy longing tobe but foolifhdoting) render a gcod reafon of his earnelt affes}ion towards the Lords Sanctuary, drawn from the furpaflingbenefit of time fper,t thereabove any other place in the world for aday in thyCourts (faith he) is better then a *houfand, any where elfe fpeakingof the Sanctuary, as thefpoufe dothofChrift, Cant. 5. 9, 1o. to give a reafonofher ardent affection toward him, the faith, Hess the chiefeft often thoufand. And becaufe the greater number might perhapsbe otherwife affeLted, therefore he doth make inftance in himfelf, becaufe hee belt knew his own heart, and plainly profeflèth that his affection did morecleave to the Lords fanetuary then toany other place, faying, Ihad rather bea doore-keeper, etc. like as 7ofhuah lead