444444444444444444444444444444444444444 To the Right '3Uorfhipfull,my trulynoble and thricemolt honoured PatronSir ROBEar WHITNEY Knight. IT is not unknownunto him, untowhofe eyes all things are nakedand opened, that a ftrong defîre lothpofeffe me (ifit be not more proper to call it ambition) ofo ffering to theprefent age, aridleaving topofteri- ty, fame pu6lick evidence of that unfeigned thankefulnefe, Which I humbly acknowledge to bedue untoyou, foryour altogether undefer- vedas well as unexpeëtedat thefirfl, andnow little lefe then twenty . years continued,favour, expref ed, amongfl many other particulars,by threefeverall prefentations untofuch Church-livingsas Were in your power to difpofeof: and thofe, not onlyfo freely, but alfo fo f i iendl1, notgranted, but offered, that wouldthefeverefl cenfurer of Symonie that everwas choofe ofpurpofe apattern, in that particularforpatrons perpetually topratlifé by, the world couldnot afford himany one, that. might more trulyfay thenyou can, nec prece, nec precio. And of all the relations wherein menfland to one another, in that between C/tilini _tiers and their people, I thinkit is thegreatefl happineffe, when wecan tell our'elves truly, that it was not our oWn doing, but Godsby the meansofothers, Without anyfollicitation ofour own, that brought us together. Thispath been my comfort in many trialls of affitlion, and Will be I hope,myjoy and my crown, when ever Godshall fee it good to turn his hand upon me, andnext under him I ]hall afcribe it untoyou. And having long agoe put on almoft an obflinate refelution never to fendmine oWnname to theprefe (except it be, as now Ido,to bring to lightanother mans labours) I amgladIhavefuchagoodopportunity, thatWhilefi IampublifhingTome ofhis Work!, whofe memory is not on- ly preciousWithyou, andothers unto whomhe was known, but alfo like to laß as longas OrthodoxChriflianreligion keepsfooting in England, Imay both honour onepart withyour name, andWithall tell the world, what Ihopeyou will believe, that Iam Your Worships moil obliged Oratour,in the $riaefi bogds ofall ubfervant duty unfeignedly devoted, CHR i stop 1 HMtviry. a 2 The