the fcope and generali divi- ñon of the whole Pfalm. The title of the Pfalm ex- plained. AnExpofation of the 85. Pfalene. Verf. t theconfiderationbothof former mercies and favours, as alto cfprefent evills and further dangers : that renewing our thankfulneiîe for bleflings received, and humbling our foules tobegge of God the removall ofjndgements , both prefent and imminent, we may with better aífi1rance wait upon God, for the fruition ofhis blefiings. Anfwerable to all which, we have in this Pfalme, as a pattern (hewed us in Gods holy mountain : Firíl, the Churches acknowledgement ofGods favour and mercy, in the removall offormer evills, verfe i , _,3. Secondly, her humble and earnell prayer, for the perfecting ofthat mer- cy begun, by the removall offorce heavy judgements,which were renewed upon them for their finnes. verfe 4. 5, 6, 7. Thirdly, her godly behaviour, in waiting for mercy, in a gracious anfwer toher prayers,with the flare grounds there- of. verfe 8. &c. Thefe are the generallparts of this Pfalm : which I will handle in order : But first a word or two of the title pre- fixed, which fheweth the dedication thereof, To the chiefe c 3'[ufician : and pointeth ont the perfons, that were fpe- cially to beemployed in the finging thereof,namely,the fons ofKorah. The dedication is to the chief Mufician, or mailer ofthe Quier. For i Chron. t 6. 4. Davidordered a , tier, to fing thankfgiving, and penned Pfalmes for that end, which he delivered to the mailer ofthe tier, verfe 7. Of their or- dering. See 1 Chron. 25. 1,7. The parties. by whom it is tobe ufed, are theEons ofKo- rah. Thefe fonnes of Korah were the pofterity of that re- bellious Levite, who with Dathan and Abiram rebelled a- gaini?c Mofes and Aaron, W,umb. 16. Whirh Korah was confused with fire. verfe 3 5.with 17. Howbeit therewere ofhis fonnes that dyednot, Numb. 26. i T. departing, as it feemeth, from their fathers tent, as all .werecommanded, umb. 16. 24,2.6. And of thefe is numbred a family of the KorathitestNumb. 26, 5 8,..ofwhomwineSamuel the Prophet,