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Verf.. A!n Expofitionofthe 85. Pfalme. Prophet, andHeenan his nephew, i . Chron. 6.33, a great finger, i Chron. 25 4, 5. In this titleobferve two things. Pith, that God requii oto The vacion. red joy andgladneffe in his fervice, which Davidprepared, t Chron. 23.5. and 25. T. and bids all his people to rejoyce in their feafis, Deut. i 6. t . t 4. which feafts did reprefent the life of Chriflians. And in Evangelical) worfhip he re- quires making melody to the Lord in their hearts, Ephef. 5. 19' The reafon is great. For in Gods fervice we have focie- The'teakan. tywithGod, which is a juft caufe ofexceeding joy. Here- inGod vouchfafeth evidence offpeciall favour ; and ifwe íhould take no delight therein, it argues fearful! contempt: which Godcannot endure without revenge,as Degt.28.47. 48. whereto adde, Amos 8. 5,t t. This fhouldmake us to flirre up inour hearts, and to ex- The We;_ pretTe in our behaviour this fpirituall joy in Gods fervice. To thisend we have needofthe fpirit to fantifie us,which will make us to rejoyce in Godsword, as one that finds a great fpoyle. Pfal. 119. 162. and conceiving it to bee the food ofour foules, labour to hunger and thirf after it, and then with tob,fhall we efteem it aboveour appointed food, lob 23. 12. And, when we knowGod to beour God, and the fountainofblefiings tous, wefallcome before himwith vladneffe inprayer. Pfal. 100. 2. andor motethflìall praife himwith joyfull lips. Pfal.63. 5. Secondly, herenote that the fonnes, that is,the poierity The fecóñd ofwicked and rebellious Korabhave an honourableplace in Obfervation. Gods facredand folemne fervice,for to them firndry ofDa- vid,- Pfalmes are commended : as Pfal. 42.44, 45, 46. &c. which is no fmall honour. Nodoubt,David law them, beingby place and birthLe- The Reafok vites, to be faithful] and diligent in their place,and thus re- nownes them to all poflerity, that he compofèth fpeciall Pfalmes, for theirrniniltry in the folemn fervice ofGod. Here fee the verifyingofGods word, for the comfort of all godly children, that the fonne flail not bear the iniqui- use fóß lRf uftioD. ty 3