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4 AnExpefitionofthe8S. Pfalme. Vert. r: tyof the father, Ezek. 1 8. 14, 17, 20. ifhefee hisfathers finnes and turn from them. Obj. Exod. 20. 5. Vifiting the iniquities of thefathers upon the children. Anfw. That is, inquiring for the time ofthe fathers a- mong the children, and, ifhe find it there, then payes bee them home. Obi. Achans fonnes and daughters are ftoned and burnt for thefathers facriledge, 7o/h. 7.24,25. AndDathans and Abirams little children are fwallowed up. Numb. 16.27. Anfw. For ought we know, theymight be of years of difcretion, and privy to their fathers ftealth. When little ones dye in the punifhment of their fa- thers fanne , God layes not the pnniíhment of the fa- thers finne upon the children , but to make the fathers fumemore odious, doth then bring upon the children the fruit of their own originall.corruption : which is death de- termined upon all flesh : as Gen. 2.17. withRom.5 i 2. As a creditor, thathathboth the father and the fonne debtors The Ufe for unto him, may,upon the fathers provocation, lay theforfei- comfort. ture uponboth, beingboth inhis danger. Secondly, here is fpeciall encouragement to thechildren ofwicked parents, to become godly and faithful! in their places. In fome fenfe, they are the fonnes of (rangers: for thewickedareeoranged from the womb, Pfal. 5.8. 3. Yet, if they leave their fathers finites, and become faithfull to the Lord, here is comfort for them in the honour of Korah's pofterity. See If. 56.3. Let not theTonne ofthefiranger,that joyneth himfelf to the Lord,fay,the Lordbath utterly fepara- tedmefrom his people: for verfe 6,7. thefonnes ofgrangers, thatjoyn themfelves to the Lord, tofervehim,ánd ; Qaive the name ofthe Load,fhall be brought unto his hol ún in,and made joyfullinhis houfeofprayer : for them thNIonour me, Iwill honour, faith the Lord. i Sam. 2..30., Thus muchof the title : thePfalm it felffolloweth. lor Verfe