6 AnExpofitionof the 8S. Pfalrne. Verft, Theufe for This ferves for inftru&ion, and for admonition. infiru&ion. For inftruwion, fee a difference between the wickedand the godly under crofl'es and aff i1ions. The godly, we fee here, Both guide his affaires with difcretion : as hee looks with one eye on Gods prefent judgements,fowith the other hebeholds precedent mercies. See lob 1.21. The Lordgave, and the Lord hath taken away ; tleffed be the name of the Lörd : and Job á. t what ? fhall we receivegood at the hand of God, and(ball irenot receive evill ? Sut,the wick- ed are like Haman, all his honour is nothing, while cAlor- decai fits in the Kings gate, Eft. 5. i 3. The godly are like DaVid, I Sam. 3c. 5, 6 .i1'ho,when the peoplefpake o f ftoning him, encouragedhimfelf in the Lordhis God : but,the wicked like ;NVabäl in diftrelfe, Whofe heart dyedwithin him, andhee became as a (lone, i Sam. 25. 37. or, like Saul, that, when Godwould not anfwer him,confulted with a witch,2Sam. 2'8. 7. Seekme aWoman, that bath afamiliar #irit, that I may go to her and enquire. The ire for For admonition : labour to become followers of Cody admonition. Church and people in this godly behaviour. We have juft caufe fo to do in this land, every true member of Gods Church, Gods favour hathbeen great unto us, in preven- ting the defigns of our enemies, and in withdrawing the heavy judgement ofplague and peltilence from our brethe- reñ, and that, not once alone, but often ; the remembrance ofwhichmercies no prefent judgements fhould beable to deprive us of. Now particularly in the Churches acknowledgement of Gods great favour and mercy to them, we have fundry things to note. %cònd Firft, the crophet calls" udea, wherein the people of The If.. Obfervation. rael dwelt, Gods land,_ Thou haft been favourable to thy land. So Pfal. z c . 16. The Lord is Kingfor ever and ever : theheathen are perifbed out ofhis land : that is, the Canaa- nïtes, and the reft of the nations, that once poffeffed it, are now destroyed Jer.2.7. re defiledmy land, andmademine heritage an abomination. Ezek. 36.5. God is angry with