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44»LxpefitioJS a. 'the 8y. Pfalme. Vert. s. 7 all thofe heathen, that appoint his land into their poffef on : andverte 20. thefe are thepeople ofthe Lord, and are goneforth out ofhis land. and F.zek. 3.6. 5. Iwill bring thee agaiufl' my land, Hof. 9. 3. They (hallnot dwell in theLords land, Joel I. 6. A Nation is come upon my land. The firíi The reafon, or groundhereof, is threefold. Firft, God Reafon. chofe this land for hisown people, wherein he promifed to dwell among them. See Lev. z6. I I. Pfeil. 47.4. Pfal.48. 1,2,3. Pfal.76. 1.2. Ezell; 20.6. Ezell; 37.26. The fecondl Secondly, he became King over this land, Zechar.14. Peafon. 9. JudahWas hisfan 7uary, and Ifrael his dominion. Pfalm I14.2. Thirdly, he undertook to be protectorand bleífer ofthis The third land, and that in an extraordinary manner, as Deut. 11.1 I, Reafon. 12. The land, Whither thougoeft to po f fefe it, is a land of hills, and valleyes, c;-c. A land, which the Lord thy godGa- rethfor : the eyes ofthe Lord thy Godare aiWaies upon it. Experience whereofmaybe feen by example, i Sam. 7.1c, 11, 12. Kings 19. 3' . 3 3 In thefe refpeFts the landofcurie was, as it were, Gods peculiar enclofure, hedged in fromhis commons, which was the wholeearth. This ferves for inftrudtion, admonition and comfort. The life For inftruCtion : it thewes plainly, that force lands and for inílruftiòaa people have a priviledge aboveothers, for fure title and in- tereft unto the true God : namely, thofe, that do receive, believeand obey the word of the covenant, as did the 7ewes under the law, and all Chriftian nations under the gofpell. It is true, that, by creation and common providence, all lands, and all people are the Lords : as Pfeil. ;:O. 12. The world is mine, and thefulnefre thereof : yet, they orely are his bybond ofcovenant, and fo entitled to his fpeciall mer- cies, that truly receive, believe and obeyhisholy word. See Exod. 19.5,6. 'Deta. 10. 14,15. Pfal. 65. I. The raft U[e For admonition, it feryos #q way$, Fir*, to 0:19fe, for adlnoai- that.as yet, are without . not calf#,. por ,brprgbt4Q the tian, bondof the covenant with God, that, ifever they defire b b 2 true