Verf.I. thsl Expofition of the85. Pfalme. true happineffe for their foules,they labour to become right- ly entitled to the true God, by fpeciall covenant through Chrift Jefus : for happy are the people, that have the Lord for their God, Pfal. i 44.1 5. Now,for this end,they them - felves muft Peek unto Gods minifters, and fay, as a man of (Macedonia did unto Paulin a vifion, come and help us, !Ilts 16. 9. theymuff enquire of them, as the unuchdid of Philip,fpray thee, ofwhom fJ'eaketh the Prophet this, Ads 8. 34. Nay, they mull {lady in the word themfelves, and fearch the Scriptures daily, by the exampleof the nobleBe- reans, Aats 17. i i. And, above all, they muff defire of God, that he will teach them to do that which is pleating untohim : as Pfal 143. 1o. The fecond Secondly, to us in this land, who by our holy profe- Ufe for ad.. on, do entitle our felves to the true uod, and fay, as Pfai. monition. 48. 14. This God is our Godfor ever : we mull look unto it, that we do truly and fincerely receive, believe and obey the word ofthe covenant, and takeheedof thofe things , which tend to feparate between God and his people. A- mongft which, we aremoil in danger of thefe two : firft, the idolatry of Popery. Secondly, prophaneneffe in Chriftianity. Popery is a falle faith, and prophaneneffe in the profellion of the trae religion argues a dead faith, For Popery, it is at this day, amonglt Gods people, in comparifon oftrue religion, as the worfhip ofthe golden calves, ereaed by jeroboam at Dan and Bethel, was to the trueworíThip, appointed by God himfelf at ?erufalem, Kings 12.26,28, 29. &c. For, Papilts worship God in images, as they did : now, the danger thereof fee, 2 Chrora, 5. 13. Ifrael without a trueGod : and 2 Çhron. 25. 7. The Lord is not with Ifrael. Therefore, ifwe defire the continuance of this priviledge, to have our landto be Gods land, wemull fet our felvesa- gainft Popery, lament anekepent, that it hath any corner and clofet by allowance amongus, yea, wemutt, by prayer to