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Verf. i . ifsExpofationofthe 85 . Pfalme. to God, Peek the removalll of it. Confider, Pfal. 8 t . 8,9; Heare, O my people, and I trill tcfifie unto thee : O Ifrael, ifthou Wilt hearIe m untome. There 'ball nofirange God be iv thee, neitherfhalt thou worJhipanyffrangeGod. Then, for prophaneneffe, among the profeflors of true religion, this argues a dead faith : for filch deny the power oftrue Religion, 2 Tim. 3. s. Now, Gods Kingdome is not in word, but in power, i Cor. 4.2o. And this is a fpreadirig evill amongll us, as Gods judgements {hew. See 7er. 23. 10. Tie land isfull ofaduttery,andbecau(e ofoaths z> the landmourns. Alfo, Hof. 4. 1,2,3. The Lordhatha con- troverfie With the land, &c. The fame finnes are rife amongfl w ff hereofwe mu take fpeciall regard againft tie dayof humiliation. For comfort, this makes greatly to any land or people, The life for that keep covenant with God, when they are oppreffed co with idolatrous enemies, or wicked men, as dually the true Church is : they mull remember their intereft in the true God, and in the time of danger , with Hezekiah, If 37. 6, 29. humble thcmfelves in earnefl prayer, and with 7ehofaphat, fall and pray, 2 Kings 20. 3, 4,12. and then, they fhall receive a gracious anfwer, as he did. verfe 14. and good fucceffe, as eAbijah did, 2 Chron. 13.8, IO, I2. Secondly, note here, as taken for granted, That 7a- cob, that is, the Jewes, who were the poflerity of 7acob, had been taken captive. For, the Churches thankfulneffe, for their bringing back, is an acknowledgement oftheir car- rying out. The truth hereof is manifeft by plain and manifold relation in the holy Flory. See 2 Kings 24. 1o, I I. `Dan. I. I, 2. for the beginning of it, in part, in the raigneof 7ehoja,l im and for theaccomplifhment thereof, fee 2 Kings25.2, 8, I I. Ter. 39. 2, 3, &c. and 7er. 52. 4. &c. The reafon hereofwas their grievousfinnes againdGod. . b b 3 Lam. The third Obfervation;