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Ya A Expofition of the 85. Pfame. Verf. T. Lam, i. 8. 7erufalem hathgrievoufly fanned, therefore fbe as removed: according to Gods threatning, Leoit. 26. 14, 15, z, 3 3. Deut. z8. 15, 2o. per. whereforehath the Lord pronouncedall this great evill againft ru ? verfe I r . thou (haltfay, becaufeyour fathers ha eforfaken me, verfe 12. andye have done Worfe t en yourfathers. verfe 13. therefore Wi l 1salt you out ofthis land. This ferves for inttruhion, admonition and comfort. The Life for For inftruetion : feeplainly, that cods own people, for inilruaion. the finnes committed among them, may lye under molt heavy and grievousjudgements, as here we fee, they are led intocaptivitie, among wt.om were Daniel, Shadrach,Me- f ach and Abednego. `Dan. 1. alfo, (.Mordecai and Efiber. Eft. 2. 7,6. yea, Zerobacell and ?ehofhuah. Yea fee, Pfd 44. o 1 o&c. to the i u. For admonition twowayes. Firft, to beware of rafh f admoni judgement, againit m either our felves or others, for thegree- ur Lion. vous calamities, that lye upon us and them : for, God faith, many are the affilions ofthe righteous, Pfal. 34 19. whofo- ever will live godly muff firer perfecution, 2 Tim. 3. I 2. Through manifoldaff ilions we mutt enter into theKingdom ofheaven; Ads 14.22. The fecond Secondly, hereby learn toknow, to repent offor the ufe for adnio- timepact, and to beware of for the time to come, thofe nition. finnes that brought thecaptivitie : which are thefe. In ge- nerall, the tranfgreffing of Gods Commandments : as, Lev. 26. 14,15,25 . In particular. idolatry, 2 Chron.7.19. 20. Sabbath breaking. 2 ghem. { 3. 1 5,16, 17. Covetuouf nelfe, per. 6. 12, 13. Soothing teaching, per. 6.14. &c. The Ufe for Forcomfort, to thegodly, in the times of their great comfort. afllietion. Confider, that nothingbefalls thee, whichhath not light on Lods deer children, whatever thine afflidion be,whether inward inmind,or outward in body.See i Cor. 10.13. Confider theltateof ?ob, let, 1. and 2. chapters ; and of David, Pfal. 77. 2.4. My foarran in thenight,and ceafednot : my joule refufed tobe comforted. Thou holdeft win eyes walling, IamJo troubled, that 1cannot fpeak.,ye.