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Verf, T. 4, Expofttion ofthe 85, Pfalme. it I cryed unto God with my voyce, even unto GodWith my voyce, andhegave eare untome verle r. Confider alto the reilaurationof Nebel, in this text, and Zeph.. 3. 14. &c.If. 2. t . &c. If. 5 4. t . &c. cgficah 4.6,7. The fourth The third particular thing to be here obferved, is cxpref- obtervation. fed : namely, that God brought back his people that had brought back his people, that had been led into caprivitie. This is plain, for the captivity ofBabi/on, in the firft and fecond chapters ofEzra, where both time, and tneans,and perfons that did return, are let down particularly, and at large. The reafon hereof is twofold. Fill}, and chiefly in God, The f rlt who ofineer grace and favour undertook thisgreat work. Reason* and bound himfelf thereto by promife : See 7cr. 27. 22. The y flail be carried to L'abilcn, and therefall they be, un- till theda y that It them : then will I bring them up, and reffore them to this place, Jer 29. ì Afterfeventy years Fe accomplifhed at Babilcn, l will vifit you, and performe my goodWord towardsyou, in caufingyou tó return to this place, 2 Chron. 3 (. 22 Now in the f rffyear ofCyrus KingofPer- fia(that the word ofthe Lord by the mouthofJeremiahsrni -ht be acccmi lifted) theLordflirredup the .1firit ofCvrus,that he made a Proclamation thorow out all his Kingdome,andput it alfo in writing,faying,&c. Secondly, God herein had refpeft to the godly behavi- The fecond our 'of his children, in true repentance, and earneft prayer, Reafon. whereunto he did enable them byhis grace,that fo hemight performhis good wordunto them. For that was Solomon: request, at the dedicationofthe temple, 2 Chron. 6. 3 6,37, 38. aflented unto, chapt.7. T. by tiigne of fire confüming the facrifice, and by voyce, verfe i z. Ihave heard thy pray- er. And fo we find, that Daniel did, `Dan. 9. accordingas Godhad Paid the godly fhould do, Ter. 29. 1 2. &c. Then pall you call upon me, andgo, andpray untome, and I will hearken untoyou : andye fhallfeekme, and fndme; Iwill be foundofyou, and turnawayyour captivitie. This