1 2 .nBxpofitionofthe 8 5. Pfalme. Verf. 2. The fir{! This ferves for inftruaion, and for admonition. Ute for in- Forinitruftion twowayes. Firft fee, that God doth fixation. actually forhis Church exceeding abundantly,aboveall that men can ask, or think, Eph.3. 2c. with Pfal. 126. i. when theLord turnedagain thecaptivitie ofSion,we were like. them that dream. Suchwas.l'eters deliverance, both to himfelf, and others oftheChurch, AFfs i 2.9. t 5, i 6. The fecond Secondly, here fee a plaindifference,between Gods dea- life for in- ling withhis own people, and with thewicked, when hee firu&tion. enters into judgement with them. His people, we fee here, do return, but thewicked are cut off, and cast off for ever, If. 27.7,8. Hath he(mitten him,as he(mote thofe thatfmote him ? &c. The firfi life For admonition, twowayes. Firft, to the wicked, that for admo- they infult not over Gods children in their affliction and ninon' mifery : forGod will one day reftorecomfort tohis chil- dren, and judge thewicked. See (Rich. 7.8. Rejoyce not againft me, Omine enemy : when Ifall, I(hall arife, When Ifit in darkneffe , the Lord fhall bea light untomee. And for judging the wicked, feePfal. i 37.7, 8, 9. andZeph. 2.8,9. The fecond ;Secondly, to thegodly in of fiction, that they bee not Ufe for ad- diftnaidwith any terrour, for peace and deliverance (hall monition. come. See, Pfal. 23. 4. ram. 5.7, i i. AFír 2.24. Chrilt now is made both Lord and King, thoughonce crucified, eFts2.36. declared to be the fonne ofGod, with poWer, ac- cording to thef j;irit ofholineffe, by the refurret`tion from the Mead. Rom. 1.4. Verfe 2. Thon haftforgiven the_iniquity of thypeople : thou hat coveredall their f nne. Selah. Ere theProphet proceeds,in the further acknowledge- ment ofGods favour to his people : and doth inftance in thisgreai bleffìng, the remiíficin and forgiveneffe of theii fins, which were thecaufe ofhis judgements, that formerly light upon them. In The meaning of the words.