Verb: 2. An Expofrtienofthe85.Pftlmte. 13 in exprefling whereofhe ufeth variety ofphrafe,for the greater comfort of his people : intimating thus much, that whether their finnes were fmall or great, yet Codhad par- doned them, and hid them out of his fight. In this confrfIion.note two things. The first implyed, That Gods own people have their iniquities and their fins. The fecond expreffed, that God forgives the iniquity ofhis people, and coversall theirfinnes. For the firft, Godsown people, that arehis by.covenant The tuft have their iniquities and their finnes. 2 Chron. 6. 36. If Obfierwatiou: theyfinne againft thee (for there isno man that fin eth not.) Prov. 2 0.9. Who canAy, I havemademine heart clean : I ampure frommyfinne ? Ecclef. 7. 20. There is not a jug man uponearth, that dothgood, andfznneth not, Jam. 3.2. In many things we finneall, t John I. 8. If Wefay, we have nofntne, wee decei't-e ourfelves, and the truth is not inM. Confider the belt that have lived, Noah, Abraham, ?ob, (.Mofes, David, Peter, &c. who, though they weremoil worthymen, yet were not pure and free from finne. The reafonhereof is their originali corruption, furthe- red by the malice ofSatan, and the deceitfuinefïeof the world. And touching this corruption, which is in every man thci. TheReafon feed of his finne, thus much we mutt know, that it is irk Gods people in a different manner and meafure, ,according to their citate before God. For, amongGods people,fome are his by a generali calling only, and outward profefl[ion, and in them corruption raigneth : for, thegrace they have as yet is reftraining only, which keepeth them from the fer- vitudeof foFné groflè finnes only. Others are his alfo by cffeauall ,calling , and inward fanetification : in whom, thoughcorruption do not raign, and hold them captive under the bondage of finne, yet doth it remain in them» and allure and draw them, many a time tocommit iniquity and finne, C c Thus