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14 n Expofition of the 85. Pfalme. Verf. z. Thus much Paul confeffeth, fpeakingof himfelfregenerate, Rom, 7. Now therehe faith (to expreffe the strength ofhis cor- ruption remaining) What Ihate, that do I : verfe 15. Now then, it is no more I that do it, but finne that dwelleth in me: For, l k;iow that in me, that is, inmy flefh cM'elleth no goad thing. Thegood that I Would I do not : but, the evill which Iwould not that do I Ifee a laW in my members War- ring againi the law of my mind, &c. verfe 17, ; 8, i 9, 23. This ferves for inftruc` ion, admonition and comfort. For inf}ruaion two wayes. Firft, that original:i finne is not quite taken away by Baptifme. True it is, they that rightly believe in the Lord Jefus, and are regenerate by the holy ghoft, areboth freed from the guilt oforiginali finne, and have corruption though not quite removed , yet fo weakened and leffened, that finne (hall not raign in them yet fome part thereof remains, and thence proceed aauall tranfgreflions, as St. Paul confeffeth, Rom. 7.2 r . d Secondly, here fee the errour ofthe more ancient Here- tiques, astheCatharifts, the Novatiaas and Donatifs,who held a man might live in a f }ateof purity and perfeetion in fife. From whom the Papists do not much differ, who doe of only hold the total] removal of original!corruption by raptifine, but alfo, that the child ofGod may keep Gods Commandements. For proof whereof they urge, i ?ohn 2. 4. and do init ance in Zachary and Elizabeth, Luke 1.6- But they erre, miftaking evangelicall obedience there fpo- ken of, as though it were legali. Ce For admonition twowayes. Firft, to thewicked,, that they bewareof the commonRumbling block, whereat ma- ny naturall men do fall, that is, tomiflike true religion, be- caufe ofthe faults and fumes ofthofe that be the profeffors of it. For, Gods people have their iniquities,they have their fumes. There is awoe to them that give that offence, yet thou hhalt t-. The firfl Ufe for inítruftion [email protected] *.4.4)- ret X' The fecon Ufe for in- ftruaioa. The ftrf} U foc achnoni