AnExpofitionofthe 85. Pfslme. Verf. 2. (halt not be excufed that taker it. For, Woe be to theWorld becaufe o f o f fencer. (..Mat. 18. 7. Secondly, the godly have henceto confider their eftate The reeond Life offubjec`1<ion to commit iniquity and fin, that thereby they moñltiol~ may bemoved todaily repentance for their finnes paft, and to watchfulneffe againft finnes to come : For which end theymuff remember Chrifts charge of pullingout the right eye. &c. Mat. 5. 29, 3o. and beware ofthe finnes, which their conititution ofbody, and their calling, or,ftateof life .loth tempt them unto: for there efpecially is this right eye, that muff be plucked out, and right hand that muff be ,cut off. And againft all fanne we muff labour daily to put on the whole armour of God, prefcribed, Eph. 6.I 2, i 4,16.And alfo, ever labour to weaken corruption, and to renew and ftrengthen grace in our foules : for which end we muft be much exercifed and converfant in the word and pray- er. For comfort, it makes greatly to thofe, that be in Chrift Theufe for Jefus, andyet be troubled for their iniquities and for their comfort. finnes. iueft. wherein then doe they differ from naturalf men? dInfti'. In thefcrvitude of finne, whereto naturali men give themfelves willingly, and with delight, ifthey may fo do with fafety frommens lawes : but thechild cf God i grieved for them, and doth watchagainft them, and ftrive to leave them, and fo walks not after the flefh, but after thefpirit,wherebyhe is freed from condemnation,inChrift, though he benot quite cleared from his own corruption, Rom. 8. t. withRom.7.24,25. The thinghere exprefled is, that God forgives the iniqui- The fecond tyofhis people, and covers all their finnes. WhenGodde- ObfervatioR fcribes himfelfto UlTofes, he makes this a part ofhis name, one ofhis fpeciall properties, toforgive iniquity, tranfgref- fon andfnne. Ex. 34. 7..The Lord is long faltering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and tranfgreffion, Numb.i4. i 8. Whoforgiveth allthine iniquity. Pfal. Loa. 3. CC The