16 Verf. i . An Expofition of the85 . Pfalme. The reafon hereof is principally in God, even his mercy and truth, which go before his face. Pfal. 89. I 4. Mercy moves him topitty thofe that be in mifery as all are that Rand guiltyoffnne : and therefore he is Paid to pardon ini- quity and to pa e by tranfgrefon, andnot to retain his an- gerfor ever, beaufe he delighteth inmercy, Mich. 7.18. Alfo, his truth caufeth him to perform covenant with . thole that behis people in Chrift : which is to pardon their fumes, for the merit ofhis death and pa on, when they do repent and beg mercy and pardon, whereunto he loth . enable them, and excite and.11irre them up, by hisword and works : as Levit..26.40,41,42. If they Ad confefe their iniquity, and the iniquity of theirfathers, &c. If then their uncircumcifedhearts be humbled, and they thenaccept of the punifhment oftheir iniquity : Then will I remember my_co- venant, mac. Likewife,. ver.. 3 2.. 39. 6 -c.. I will give them one heart, and one way, that they may fear mefor ever, for the good of them andof their children after them, 6-c. So Will òI bring upon them all thegood, that I have promifed them. Juefl. Why doth c..Mnfes fay, he Will notpardon your tranfgrefons, Exod. 23. 21. and refhua, He is ajealous God, andwill notforgiveyour tranfgrefons,.noryeurfirmer, jof. 24.19 : Anfw. The circumftances ofthofe places fhew the true meaning : namely, ifmen provoke him, and forfake himby idolatry, ferving other Gods : and ifthey finne prefumptu- oufly, defpifingthe word : fo Nimb. 1 5.30,3.1. TheJoule that doth ought prcfumptuoufly , the fame reproacheth the .Lord : and thatfòule(hall be cut offfrom among his people. Becaufehe hath de(ÿifed theWord ofthe Lord, and loath bro- ken his commandement, thatfoulefball utterly be cut off hia iniquity ¡hall beupon him. This fervesfor infruction, admonition and comforts For ínitru&ion two wayes. Firft,it fhewes the excellen- cyufthe true God, above all falle Gods : as 18. Who is aGodlike unto tbee,that pardoneth iniquity andpafeth by 1e Reafor. The kit lee forin- 414011,