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.N7 erf.a. 110Expofitionofthe 85. !me: by the tranfgrefon ofthe remnant ofhis herita Yea,and above all creatures : for, whocanforgivefinne, but Godon- ly ? Mark 2. 7. which will better appear, if we confider theway, which God makes for (he fatisfying of his jufiice, . in this work ofmercy: namely,he gives his Tonne to become man, that fo he may be righteoufneffe and redemption to his people, 1 Cor.1. 30. and gives hisgofpell to reveal that mercy, 2 Tim. i. io. And hisholy fpirit, to teach and fan- &ifie the foules ofhis eled, and to furnifh themwith thofe graces,. that may entitle them.to Gods, mercy in Chrif , 'Lech. 12. Ic. z Cor. 4. 13. That theEphefians might have theknowledge hereof, Paulbowed his knees to God,Eph. 3. 14..18. Secondly, fee here aprerogativeof Gods people, above The fecopd all.others: For they, thatiland rightly in covenant with ea. for in- ítruon,. God,, are theproper. fubje&ofthis great blefïi:ng,. to have from God the pardonof their finnes, wherein we know hands true happinefie, Tfal. 3z. r, 2. and in that regard efpecially, thoughnot only,.are thofe people faid to be blef- fed aboveothers, that have theLord for their God, Rfal. 144. 15.Pfa1.33. 12.. For admonition two wayes. Firft, to all naturall men, The Eli that areyet. ftrangers from thecovenant ofgrace, as wan- ufffor admo ting true faith and true repentance, that theygive all dili- ninon. gence to the bleffing of forgiveneffe of finnes fromGod. See Efther 8.1 .Many ofthepeopleofthe landlecame?ewes upon the via, ofa temporali bleffing. Rahab embraced the Jewes religion, upon thenoticeof Gods power and mercy in thedelivery ofIfraelout ofEgypt, &c. yof2.9. &c. And fhall not we, upon evidenceofgreaterpower and.mercy be induced to enger intocovenant withGod ? Obj. But what is this to us.? we areall in covenant with God already ? Anfw. As, He is not a 7E0,, that is one outwardly, &c. Rom. 8. 28, 29. fo.Rev. 2. I. thou haft a name, that thou divef,.and art dead. Confider Simon (.. MMagus,., A&s 8. 13. 2.1,.22. though faid tobelieve, and bebaptized; yet in the gáll.