28 AnExpofition of theS5. Pfalrne. V-erf.3. gall ofbitterneffe, and in the bondof iniquity. See Pfal. The fecund 94. 20. and i yohn i . 6. UCe for in- Secondly, Godsown people mull hereby learn to feare fruftion. and love the trueGod. For fear, fee Pfal. 130.4. There is forgivenefe with thee, that thou nsaifr befeared. And for love, Luke 7.47. c arry/inner are forgivenher, for fhe lo- vedmuch. Now, true fear makes a manefchew evill, yob i . r.Prov. 8. 13. Prov. 14, 27. And true love moves to obedience in keeping Gods word, as ?ohn 14. 2 r, 23. 1 john 5. 3. Yea, they mull, with David, pray againft prefumptuous finnes, Pfal. 19. 13. andgive themfelves daily to the exercifes of faith and repentance, which entitle them truly to this blef- fingof forgiveneffe. The Ufe for Forcomfort, it makes greatly to Gods children,that do comfort. repent and believe in God through Chrifi : for then this prerogative belongs unto them, wherein Rands true happi- neffe. Even, as David alfo imputeth righteoufnefie, Without works, faying, Blejredare they,Whofe iniquities areforgiven, andwhofe fimaes are covered,Rom. 4.6, 7. Sonne, be ofgood comfort, thyfrnnes are forgiven thee. Verle 3.2 Thou haft taken allayall thy Wrath : thouhaft tur- ned thyfelffrom thefierceneffe ofthine anger, The Ufe for`'rHe lafi effete of Gods favour to his people, here ac- comfort. 1 knowledged. For the underftanding whereof,we muff fearch out two things : Firft, whether wrath and fierce anger be in God properly, for they are often afcribed unto God in Scripture : Secondly, in what fenfe they are afcri- bed unto God. For the firfi, wrath and fierce anger are,firong fudden pallions and perturbations of the mind, caufed by things offenfive and difpleafing. Now, to fpeakproperly, they are not in God : as Ifay 27.4. Fury is not in me. For the fécond : thescripture fpeakingof God, by way of refemblance unto men, afcribeth thefe palfions to God, for