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Vert 3. An .Expofrtlon ofthe 85. Pfalme: for two caufes. Firft, toacquaint us with theinward con- Rant difpofition of his nature againft finne : namely, that he diftafteth and difliketh the impurity and impiety therof, as man doth the moil hateful! things. Secondly, to let us know thecourfe ofhis actions in punifhing finne : namely, that it (hall bewith that feverity,which men ufe,when they are angry, Exod. 32. 10. Let me alone, that my Wrath may waxehot againft them, and that Imay confume them. Here then there are two things to be obferved. The firft The firft is implyed : That, in thefenfebefore (hewed, godbath been Obfervation. Wrathandfiercely angry with his oWnpeople.when Godheard this,heWas wrath, andgreatlyabhorred Ifrael: He Was Wrath Withhis inheritance, Ifal. 7 8. 5 9,5 2. TheWrathof theLord Was kindledagainft hispeople:infomuch, that heabhorredhis own inheritance. Pfal. 106. 4o. The reafon hereof is the finnes ofhis people, which many The Rearm times are many and grievous, filch as the holy nature of God cannot but detelt, and in divine jufice feverely punífh. For finne is the provocation. 2 Kings 22. 13. For great is the Wrathof the Lord, which is kindledagainft us, becaufe ourfathers have not hearkened unto the words ofthis booke, Jerufalem bath grievoufly finned: therefore fhee is remo- ved, Lam, I. 8. And, we have tranfgreffed, and rebelled, thou hall not pardoned. Thou haft coveredwithanger,andper- fecutedus, Lam. 3.42. &c. This ferves for inftrue4ion, and for admonition. For inftruc`tion twowages. Fir,ft, here we may plainly The fir(Ute fee thecontrarietyof finne to theholynature of God. It i5 forinftru&i- fuch a thing as God cannot endure, no, not in thofe that be on. moft near and dear untohim, even his own people. Nay, whenhisown fonne takes uponhimfelf our finnes,divine ju- {icewill not fpare him : Gods heavy wrath makes him to fweat water and blood, and tocry out, m,, God,my God, why haft thou f forfaken me, Mat. 27. 46. Secondly fee, that God is a God ofjulaice_:gainft finne, The fecond he will not wink at it, nor endure it, no,not in his own peo- ttire n f'.1. r ple : though that be a great priviledge, to be in covenant with