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2 0 An !xpefitionofthe 85 . PPalme. Verf. 3. with God, yet, that procures not a difpenfation to Finn freely : much leiTe will other outward things, as worldly wealth, and ftrength, andhonour, and the like. The Ufe for For admonition, to all Gods people, that they beware admonition. of all finne,and efpecially ofthole, that are faid in Scripture to provoke the Lord to wrath, whereofI will name force ofthe chief. Specialinner As firft,Atheifine,Zeph. I. 12. I Brillfearch Jerufalaln provoking God to God. with candles, andpunifh the men that arefctled on their lees, that fay in their heart, the LordWill not dogood, neither will be do evil!. 2. Idolatry, Pfal. 7S. 58,59. They provoked him to an- ger with their high places : andmoved him tojealoufie With their graven images. whenGodheard this, he was wroth,and greatly abhorred Ifrael. 3. Witchcraft. See it int_Manafeh, 2 Kings 2I. 2, ;, 6. He did that which Was evil in thefight ofthe Lord, c. Hemadehisfonne paffe tLoran, thefire, and ebferved times, and ufed inchantments, and dealt With familiar f)irits, and wizards : he Wrought much Wickgdnefe in the fight of the Lord, toprovoke him to anger. With 2 Kings 23. 2E. His anger was kindledagainf Judah, lecaufe ofall theprovoca- tions, that Manaffeh hadprovokedhim withall. 4. Oppofing Christ in thegofpell, not receiving it, Pfal. 2. 1,2,3,435 . Why do the heathen rage,and thepeople imagine a vain thing ? The Kings of the earthfet themfelz es,and the rulers take counfell together, again theLord,andagain his annointed,fling, Let us lreap their bonds afunder, andcafe away their cords from us. He that fitteth in the heavens /Fall laugh, the Lordfball have them in derifion. Then flail hue #eakunto them :n his Wrath, and vexe them in his fore dif- pleafure, I Theffal. 2.16. Forbidding us to f cakto the 9er.- tiles, that they.mie-ht befaved, to fill up their finnes alway ; for the wrath is corn eupon them to the uttermoft. Typified in the fidesandpeople difliking the landof Canaan. Numb. 14. 3 3c, 31. Awon, II.2 . 5. Falfe and flattering teaching. Jer. 5.3 , 3 derfu