Vert. 3. An. Expofition ofthe 85. Pfalme. derfull and horrible thing is committed in the land. The Frs. phets prophecyfalfly,and the Prieflsbear rule by their means, andmypeople love tohave itfo : and what will yee do in the end thereof? So Ezek. 13. throughout. 6. Lukewarmneffe, oppofed to zeal, Rev. 3. x6, x9, Becaufe luke-warme, and neither cold, nor hot, Iwill 'f t. thee out ofmy mouth. As many as I love!rebukeandchaflew, be zealous thereforeand repent. 7. Ble jinga,mans Pelf inhissnfullcourte, Deut. 29.19, 2 If it come to paffe, when he hearerh the Words of tkú curie, that hebleffe himfel f in his heart,Paying, IAall have peace, though IWalkin the imaginationofmineheart,toadde drunkenneffe to thirf ; The Lord will not dare him , but then the anger of the Lord, and his jealoufie shallfmoak a- grainfi that man, &c. 8. Rebellion againft Gods Magifirates, and Minifters, Numb. I 6. 3o. Then Jhall yee underftand, that men have provoked theLord. 9. Helping the wicked. 2 Chron. 19. 2. Shoulde f thou help the ungodly, andlove them, that hate theLord? There- fore is wrathupon thee from before the Lord. z o. Oppreflìonofthe poor. Zeph. 3. 1,3,8. Woe to her that isfilthy andpolluted, to the oppreffing City. Her Princes within her are roaring Lions: her fudges areeveningWolves. Therefore waityee uponme, faith the Lord, until! the day, that I rife up to theprey topowre out upon themmine in. dignatien, evenall myfierce anger : for all the earthJhall be devouredwith thefire ofmyjealouße. I I . Adultery. Jer. 5. 7, 8, 9. When Ifed them to the full they committed adultery, &c. ShallI not visit for these things, faith theLord ? ¡hallnot myfoule be avengedonfuch a nation as this ? iá.' Drunkennefïe, lfaiah 5.27, 24. woe unto them that aremighty to drinkwine, andmenofflrength,tomingleflrong drink, Therefore is the anger ofthe Lordkindledagainft his people, &c. 13. Blafphemie againft God, either in common fwea. d d ring It