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AnExpofttunofthe 27. Pfalme. Verf. 2. fhotalive: yea inPaul himfelf, before he was converted: for he perfecuted Chriftianity unto the death : AFIs 22.4. and was mad this way, (hap. z6. f f. Now this maliceand hatred againft the godly , fhew them to be the children of the devill : as t ?oh. 3. f z. and ?oh. 8. 40, 44. The lecond Secondly, to manifeít, that there is a fpeciall providence Ufe for in- of God, over his Church and children , that preferves and ftruftion. keeps them, notwithstanding all the fpite, and rage of the wicked againft them : as Pf&. 105. i 2, 13, 14. When they Werebut a feïc men in number , yea veryfew, and f rangers in the land : When they Wentfrom one nation to another,, f om one kingdome to another people. Hefufferedno man to do them wrong. The firfl Ufe For admonition, it ferves two wayes. Firfl, to the wic- for admoni- ked , to confider oft heir corrupt affe lion, in fpite and ha- non. tred againfi the godly , and whence it comes ; that fo they may difcern their fearfuil Rate in foul,and labour toalter it: Flow theyhand affeéed , their own hearts can tell them : even as Ahab wasto cillichaiah, i King. 22. 8. Ihate him. But whence is it ? See ram. 3. f 4, i 5 . evenfrom thedevil: as Alts li 3. io. ifenemie ofrighteoufnefe, then chalde of the devill: as john 8.40,44. Now the way ofchange from that eálate, is by regeneration ; which indeed is Gods work, yet in theufe of meanes ordained by himfelf , even the word and prayer : for the word is the feed of our newbirth , i Pet. i. 23. and prayer obtains the fpirit , whichputs life thereto : See, Lull, it. It 3. and rob') 6. 63. The z.Ufe for Secondly , to thegodly , often to bethink themfelves, admonition. what their religion maybringupon them from the wicked, evenall their wrath and hatred, furyand rage; that fo they may get the fure fhelter againfl it , which is only this , to have God for them: as Pfal, 118. 6. The Lord is on my fide, IWill not fear : what can man do unto me?For he is the fa e keeper Pfal.,i 2f . 4, 5. whereon Davidaffures himfelf of fafety. Pfal. 3'. 3, 6., and yeremiah, 20. 15. Now heis ours bycovenant, and continues for us , while wekeep fait to him in uprightneffe ofheart : See 2 Chren.i 5.2.The Lord