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AnExpofitiosof the 85. Pfalme. Verf,3, ring, or in more fearful! perjury. See per. 23. I0. Becasrf offwearing the land rourneth, the pleafant places ofthe wit- derneIre aredo/I'd/1p. And for perjury, it puts uponGod the perfon ofthe devil], by callinghim to be a witneffeofa lye, vv hereof thedevil! is the father, ohra 8.44. All thefe we mull lay to heart,lament and repent for that which is pan, and for the time to come beware of them, if we look to remove and prevent the wrath and fierce anger ofthe Lord. The fecond The fecond thing tobe here obferved is exprefíed : That, Obfervation. thoughGod had been fiercely angrywith his people,yet af- terward he took away his wrath, and turned from the fierceneffe ofhis anger. So, 7(7. 29. I r, t r. After f venty years be accomplifhedat Babilon, Iwill vifit you, and per- farm mygood mordtowardyou, ç c. Ier. 30. 17, 18. I will re'Jtore health unto thee,and Iwill heale theeofthy wounds Iwill bring again thecaptivitie ofJacobs tents,&c. The reaf'on hereofwas not any merit or worthineffe in them, but indeed Gods own mercy, and workofgrace , bringing them by his judgements to be humbled, andby his grace to repent, to pray, and to rely upon him for delive- rance. See Ezek, 36. 32, 33. comparedwith verle 25. &c. to 3t. according to the promife, Drut. 3c. i,2,,4. This ferves for infirution, admonition and comfort. The ute for For inftru6tion : it doth acquaint us with the gracious difpofition and fweet mercy of God towards his children, Hisanger endureth but a moment. Pfal. 3c. S. He Will not alWayes chide, neither Will he keephisangerfor ever, Pfalm 103.9. The life for For admonition : confider what it is in us, that turns a- admonition. way Godsanger, that fo we may confcionably exercife our felves thercin.Asfrf},true and unfeigned repentance,where- Speciall;neans by we confider our ownwayes in our hearts, confeffe our to turn away finnes with godly forrow, and turn from the evil! ofthem. Poils anger. ?er. 18. 7,8. At what inftant Ifhallßeakconcerning a na- tion,and concerninga Kingdcme,to phickupand topull down, Andtodtffhtsy it.lf that nation mgain/1 when; 1 have pronoun- ced, The Rearm. inftruCtion,