Verf. 4. AnExpofrtion of the 85. Pfalme. S; ced, turnfrom their evil', Iwill repent ofthe evill, that I thotrpht todo unto them, Ezek.I 8, 3 o. Repent and turnyour felves from allyou trarfgrefons:fo iniquityfhall not beyour rtsirte. Even Ahabs legali repentance turned away a tem- poral! judgement for a time, I Kings 2I.29. Secondly, earneff and of cduall prayer for mercy and deliverance. noel I. 14. and 2. 16, i 7. Gather the people, pmac. Then will the Lord bejealousfor his land, andpitty his eople. There it is commanded, and was notably pradifed by Mofes. `Deut. 9. 25, 26. &c. `Pfal.I06.23. Thirdly, juflice muff beexercifed in the puniíhment of (inners, that provoke Gods wrath : as did Phinezas on Zimri and Cazbi, Pfal. I06.29, 30. and 7onah,that trou- bled the íhip,was caft into the fea, and fo it was calm, ?onah 1. I2, I5. For comfort to thegodly in trouble and afliiaion : for The üfe fox peace (hall come, Pal. I (Man are the a niions of comfort. p f 34. 9 . .i the righteous, but the Lord delivereth them out of them all, Pfal. I t 2.4. Veto the upright there arifeth light in dark nefe, Pfal. 37. 37. Marktheperfeft man, andbehold theup- right : for the endofthat man ispeace. Verfe4. Turn ses, O godofourfalvation : acrdcattle thine angertowards us to ceafe. TN this verle, and the threenext, wehave the fecond part Teemeaning !of this Pfalm, containing the Churches petitions and of the words, complaints about the great miferies, that yet lay heavy on them. The petitionsare propounded in this fourthverfé and the feventh ; the complaints are inferred between them, verfe 5, 6. This fourth verlecontains two requelis : Firft,that God would turn them : Secondly, that he would caufe hisanger toward them to ceafe : Bothwhich bleffings theybeg of the true God, whom they call the God oftheir falvation, that is,the Godwho lavesand delivers them from the evils and miferies thattlyeupon them. d d . Hen