AnExpofition of the 85. Pfsdrtte. Verf.4, Here then in this verfe we have to note both, to whon3 they pray, and for what. They pray to God, whom they call the Godof their falvation : and therein we have two things to be obferved : FirTt, what God is tohis Church, namely, the Godof their falvation. econdly, what they do to God in that regard, namely, pray unto him for that blefling. T he fit-fa For the firft, note. God is the God of falvation to his obfervation. Church, PJäl. 3. 8. Salvation helongeth unto the Lord,Pfal. 68. 19, 2C. Bleffed be the Lord the Godof our falva- tion. He that is our (_ od is the God offalvations. The "?r".4 word in theoriginali rs of the plurali number, (hewing that 1°11ÿv14-) all manner offalvationbelongs to God, bothof body and "?y9 foule,temporall and eternali,in this world and in the world í~11y1101 to come. So Pfal. 74. 12. God is my King ofold, working falvations in the midit of the earth. ee admirable inflance oftemporall faving. Exod. 14. I 3. &c. ofí¡rael at the red fea : and Dan. 3.17, 27, 28. of the three fervants ofGod out of the fiery furnace : and undoubted afluranceof eter- nall. Tit. 3. 4, 5. Rev. 19 ,1. carat. 1. a i . J efus fhall fave hispeople from their finnes : and this is the great falvation, Heb 2.3. The Realen. The reafonhereof is Gods power and mercy, which in him are infinite : as we may fee, for power, Pfal. 1i5. 3, and 136 6. whatfoever theLordpleafed, that didhe inhea- ven, and in earth : in theSeas, and inalldeep places. And for his mercy, it is as large. Pfd. 119.64. The earth, O Lord, is full of thy mercy, Pfal. 145. 9. His tender mercies are over all hisworks.Now,both three God doch put forth for thofe that be truly in covenant with him : as Exod. 33. 19. I will make my goodneffe paffe before thee, Pfal. 89. 17. Thou art the gloryof their ftrength : and in thy favour our horn íhail beexalted. Oh. r . But fometimes Godspeople are not fasted from temporal!evils : as Pfal. 79.1,2: &c. O God, the heathen orecome into thine inheritance Thedeadbodies ofthy fer- ets have they given to be meat unto thefowles of h ea sa, &co