Pierson - BS1429 P53 1647

AnExpofition o f the 85. Pfalme. Verf..g, .dnfw. Outward and bodily fafety is but a temporal! blefling, and thereofmull be underílcod with exception of the croffe : fo as, when God will either col-reel them for their firms, or make tryall of his graces in them, then they may want outward fafety. But, though theoutward man perifh, yet the inward man is preferved and renewed dayby day, 2 Cot...}. 16. nay their eternal! glory is hereby increa- fed. verfe 17, AsRevel. 7.9. 14. an infinite number cloa- thedwith white robes and palmes in their hands cameout ofgreat tribulation. Obj. 2. But, the scripture acknowledgeth other faviours betide the true God, both for temporall and eternal! falva- tion : as nudges 2. 16. fc r temporali, and Obadiah, Pfal. 21. z :ins. 4. t 6. for eternall lnfw. Vnderfland them to be infirumentall faviours un- der God, not foie, or principali : as i Cor. 3. r, 9. Ac d know that it pleafeth God fometime to afcribe the effeft to the inflrument, as ram. 5. 20. to teach us not tocontemne themeans, which is a fearful! temptingofGod,as AEIs i 3. 46. and otherwhile to deny it to the means, as i Cor. 3. 6. that we fhouldnot truíl in it, Pfal. 44. 3, 6, 7. They got the land in po11eSon with their oWn fWord, neither did their orrn armefave them : but thy right hand,and thinearm, and the light of thy countenance For IWill not true in my bow, neitherjball my(WordPaveme. But thou hafiz /äved us from our enemies, and haft put them to fhame that hated This ferves for inflrudion, admonition and comfort. For inflruftion : fee the prerogative of Gods Church The firil and people, above all other Elates and conditions in the life for irr world : they, being by covenant the peopleof God, haveru ion. him tobe unto them the God offalvation. See Deut. 32. 31. Their rorktsnot as our rock., even our enemies them- felver-berng judges, Jer. 3,. 23. Truly, in vain isfalvation hoped for from thehills, andfrown themultitude ofmountains: trrry, in theLordour god is the f lvatidnof lfrael. d d 3 Second-