$6 The fecond Life for in- fìruaion. The firil Ure for admoni- tion, Thefecond fife for ad- monition. An Expotitianof the S5. Pfalme. Vert.. 4. Secondly, fee here the impiety of Popery, that Pets up o_ Cher Saviours among them then the true God, both for temporali and fpirituall fafety. For admonition two wayes. Firm, to take heed ofthofe finnes, that deprive a people of this prerogative, tohave the true God to be the God oftheir falvation. And thefe are efpecially two : Firm, Idolatry, when meneither wor- fhip a falfeGod, as theheathen did and do ; or elfe wore Chip the true God in a falfemanner, as did yeroboam and his fucceffors, I Kingr 12. 28. and as the Fapifis do at this day : forwhich fume fee God forfaking, 7udg. 3.8. com- paredwith i o. 13. yee haveforfaknn me, andferved other Gob : wherefore Iwill deliveryou nomore. Secondly, Im- piety, when menhold the truth in unrighteoufneffe. Rom. 1.18.have a formeofgodlineffe,but deny the power there- of, a Tim. 3. 5. for the Kingdomeof God is not in word, but in power, i Cor. 4. 20. Secondly, we mull all labour to become fuch,as arc truly intitled to Gods power andmercy for falvation : that he, which is the Godoffalvation, may become our God : for affiirance whereofwe muff look to thefe things. Firft, that we become the childrenofAbraham : for to fuch falvation comes. Luke 19.9. Now,fuch may beknown by doing theworks ofAbraham, John 8. 39. He is the fa- ther of the faithfull, Rom. 4.äi . who by faith, firff, for- fookhis own people, andhis fathers houfe, Heb. i 1.8, 9. compared with gen. 1 2. 1, 4. fecondly, commanded his houfhold to ferve God. Gen. 18. 19. thirdly, made inter- ceflion to God for the fparingofSodom, no doubt for the elects fake, that hehoped hadbeen therein,Gen. 1 8. -.4 3.&c. fourthly, by faith offered his own fonne, yea his only fonne Ifaac, for an offering upon Gods command, Gen. 21.T. &c. Heb.11,17In all thefe we muff labour to Phew our felves tobe the fonnes of Abraham. Confider all, and look efpe- cially at the mortification ofcorruption, the finnes of our hearts andfoules. See Rom. 8. a 2. Gal. 5.24. Col. 3.5 . we Chould