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AnExpefition o f the 85. Ffainte. Verf.4, 1/ rhould be afhamed to hear, that we love our finnes better, then Abrahamdid his only fonne. Secondly, the trueGod is a faviour unto every one,that is a true member of Chriffs body, .kph. 5. 23. Now, true members are joyned to theirhead, by the fpirit, $ C'or. i 2, i 3. and by vertue thereof receive life and fenfe fromChrift fpiritually, as Rom. 8. i z. Now fuch with Chrifl I. leave finne, Rom. 6.17, 18, 2. they converfe with thegodly, e 1s I o. 4e, 41. 3. they walk in the fpirit, Gal. 5. 2 s. 4. they talk and (peak religioufly, Col. q. 6. Prov. 3T . 26. 5. they tail fpiritnall food with delight the Word and Sacraments. Thirdly, God will fave thofe that truft in him. Pfalo i7. 7. Pfal. 9 i I. &c. they fhall be as mount Zion, Pfal. i 25. r. Now they, that truft in the Lord, will not ufe un- lawful! meanes tohelp thernfelves out ofmifery, but will wait his leifure, as Ifaiah 28. i6. He that beleeveth Jkall not make haft. Fourthly, he, that would be delivered by God, muff be upright hearted. Pf. lf. 7. To. Now fuch lean not to finnea but, as Ifaiah 38. 3. can fay to God with Hezekiah. Re- membernoW, OLord, Ibefeech thee, how Ihave walked be- fore t/ee in truthandwith a perfeëheart, and have done that Which isgood in thyfight. For comfort to Gods children in trouble and mifery : The tire for they havea faviour and deliverer : fee Pfal. 23. z, 4. and comfort. Dan. 3. 17. The fecond point tobe here obferved is the pradife of The feconeâ the Church towardsGod in their trouble, namely, they go Obfervation) to God in prayerfor falvationand deliverance : See Pfd. 79. 9. Help us, OGodofourfalvation, for the-gloryof thy name,anddeliver us,andpurge away ourfinnesfor thymanes fake : and Pfal. 80. Y, 3 . Give care, O fhepheard oflfrael, thou that leadeft Jofeph as aflock,,thou that dmellet between theCherubins j ineforth. Turn usagain, OGod : andcaxfe thyface to fiine, andWefhall6efaved. Pfal. a i 8. 5, Icd- led tspou theLordindiilrefe, &c. The