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Zg The firft Reafon. The fecond Reaioa The third Reafon. The fourth Reafon. The ufe for înfiru Lion. An Expoßtio,i ofthe 85. Pfalme. Verf. q.. The reafons which indice them to do fo arc there. Firfi:, Gods command, Pfd. o. i5. Call upon Noe in the day of trouble. Secondly, Gods property to hear and help, Pf i 65. z, G' thon that hearef prayer, unto theefhallall f efh come. Pfal. 46.1. god vs our aefugeandftrength, a very prefenthelp ix trouble : Sec this in the heathen Mariners , ?onah i. 14,15. . Thirdly, God rands bound by promiîe and covenant tohear andhelp his Church in diftref£e : fee a Chron. 7. r 4. If my people, which are called by myname, (hall humble themfelves, andpray,and feek my face, and turn from their wickedwayes : then will I hear from heaven, andwill for- give their firme, and will heale their land. Pfal. 91. i 5. He (hall call upon me, and I will anfwer him : I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him, and honour him. Fourthly, obfervation of the fuccefl'e of this duty in o- thers before them : as Pfal. 3 i. 3, 4, 5, 6 Pfal. 1.3, 3, 4, 5. Pfd. 99. 6, 8, 9 and in their own perlons, as Pfal.56. 14. Thou haft delivered my foulefrom death, wilt not thou deliver my feet from falling ? Fire, this ferves to difcover a threefold impiety,as con- trary to the praFIifeof theChurch, of Atheifts, Witches, and Idolaters. r. AtheiftS, in their hearts, fay there is no God, and thereforemake no confcience of this pra&ife ofthe Church to call uponGod : See Pfal. i 4. 1, 4. The foole hath faid inheart there isro Goo. They call not up- on God, Pral. lc. 4. God is not in all his thoughts, ?ob 21. 15. What is the Almighty, that we fhould ferve him ? and what profit fhould we have, ifwe pray untohim ? 7o` 22. 17. which fay unto God, depart from us, and what can the Almightydo for them ? 2 Witches, wifards and conjurers, for a thew and colour, may have the nameof God in their mouths, but fore the affiance of their hearts is in thedevil', with him they are in leagueand focie y : all their fpells, charms, circles., and incantations are prayers, homage and fervice done tohim,And likeunto thefe,though not