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Vert. 4. An Expofitionofthe 85. 1"f-dime. not in fo high degree, are all they, that Peek unto them, and ufe theirhelp, Ifaiah 8. 19. when they (hall fay unto you, feek,unto thofe that havefamiliar f irits, andunto wizards, thatpeepandthat mutter:lhouldnot a people feekunto their God ? When AhaziahKingofIfrael Pent unto Baalzebub the god ofEkron, to enquire whether he lhould recover of his difeafe,theLord by Elijah tells his meffengers,Is itnot be- caufe there is not aGodinlfrael, thatyego to enquire ofBaal- zebub theGodofEkron ? 2 Kinfs I.2,3. Lafily, Idolaters fay toSaints and Idolls, here us, help us, prayfor us : as t Kings i 8. 26. This we know is the commonpracife ofPa- pills, to the iv irgin c Mary,and to all the Saints. But, here- in they thew themfelves not to be Gods people, but Inch, as have forfaken the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out broken ciflerns, that canhold nowater, ?er.2. I I, 12, 13. For admonition, that we obferve and remember this The Lice foe praaifeoftheChurch of God, and confcionably endeavour admonition. to conforme our felves thereto, in the day ofour trouble,to Peek the Lord, remember God and complain : as Pfal. 77. 2, 3. to fay with the godly man, Whom have I in heaven but thee ? Pfal. 73. 25. and with the Church Ifaiah 63. t 6. Though Abrahambe ignorant ofpass, and Ifrael acknowledge us not : thouOLord, art our father, our redeemer, thy name isfrom everlafting, Pfal. 20. 7. Some truf in charets, and force in horfes, but wewill remember the nameofthe Lord, our God. Hof.1 4. 3..AfhurJhall notraveus,we Will not ride upon horfes, neither will wefayany more to thework of oar hands,yeare ourgods :for in thee the fatherleffe finde mer- cy. Confider the reafonsofthisduty, as before,and the fuc- ceffe, as Pfal. zo. 8. They arebrought doWn, andfallen : but we are rifen, and f and upright. Pfal. 118. 5. &c. I called upon the Lordin difireffe,the Lordanfaveredme,andfet me ix a large place, &c. Thus muchof him to whom they pray, the things for which they pray are two. I . That Godwould turn them. 2. That God would caufe his anger toward them to ceafe. ee For 29