An Expofition of the 85 . Pfalme. Verf.4. for-the firft, when they befeech God to turne them, they mean from theevills under which they lay, whether of fin or punifhment, unto a comfortatble flate : for fo largely doth theufe of the word extend : fometime therewith is begged converfion from finne, per. 3 I . 1 8,19. Turne thou me, and I (hall be turned after that I was turned, I re- pented, &c. fometime reilitution to comfortable outward state, which is turning from puni(hmenr : as Pfal. 126.4. Turne again our captivitie, O Lord. And though here the latter is fpecially aimed at, yet we may not exclude the for- mer, becaufe, without turning from finne, the ceaing of Gods wrath wouldnot beexpe&ed,'P il, 7. 12&c. If lye turne not, he will whet his(word, &c The third Mark then, Gods people do begofGod theblefling of Obfervat ion. converfion from evills, under which they lay, whether of . fnneor punif orient : fee Lam. 5. 2I Turn thou us unto thee, OLord, and we fhall be turned : renew our daies as of old, P al. 80. 3, 7,20. Turn thou us again, O LordGod of holies : caufe thy face to [hive, and we{hall be faved. The Reafon. The reafon is infoulded in the title, which here they give to God,; namely,that he is the God of their falvation,both for foule and body. He d r dheprefeveth and delivereth I fameword is the body andoutward elfate, Pfd. 9 T . 15. I will be del ith him in trouble, I will deliver him, lob 5. 19 He ver thee in fixe troubles, yea, in feven there [hall no evil' touch thee. He is almighty, and fo all-futficient, nothing is toohard forhim, ver. 32. 27. and this power heputs forth for the goodofhis people. This ferves for 'nitration, admonition and comfort. The ule for For inftru&ion; touching the author of true converfion inítruftion. to the foule. The pra6tife of the Church [hewer her judge- ment herein : [he prayes to God tobe turned from evills, whether fpirituall, or corporal', and therefore thereof. erfore doubt ubt a n ac- knowledged him to be the foie temporal' evills, manby nature ans of his deliverance difcern and endeavour theway ut