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Verf. 4, AnExpofitiMofthe 85. Ffalme. pn fpirituall evills, ofcorruption and inne,it is not fo : for therein man naturally is dead, and fo wantsabilitie ofhim- feif toconceive and aft the things that belong to th# lifeof grace, fee Asir 26.9. The wifdome and will of nature is to oppofe the meanes of converfion : Iverily thought With my [elfe faith the Apoftle,that Iought to do many thin!ff,r contra- ry to the name of?efus ofNazareth. For to be carnally mind- ed is death : becaufe the carnali miede is enmitie againf God, R'vm. 8. 6, 7. Therefore hereofmendonot become Gods children, yohn 1. 13. which will be plaine, ifwe confider that the Scripture calls regeneration a new creation, 2 Cor. 5.17. and the firft refurreetion,Revel. 20.6. i. Queft. Why then doth God bid men turne ? as E.zek; 18. 3o. Repent and turneyour felves from all your tranfgrefons. Anf. Firft, to thew us our dutie, not our abilitie, what we ought, not what we are able ofour felves to do. For john 15. 5. without meye can do nothing. We arenot fuf. cient ofourfelves to thinke any thing, as ofourfelver, 2 Cor 3,S . 2° man cancome tome, except thefather, whichbath feat me drawhim, John 6.44. Believers are borne, not of blond, nor ofthe will oftheflefb, nor ofthe will ofman, but of God, John 1.13. Secondly, Cod in thefe commandementshath an aime at the outward ahions,wherein he delires reformation,where- to naturally manhath force power,as we may fee by Ahab humiliation, i Kings 2i.27. Thirdly, God requiring of us the grace of converfion, means; we fhould endeavour our felves in the outward meanes thereof ; toget abilitie theretoof God. Though gracebe Gods gift,yet is the ufe ofmeanes in our power. 2. Queít. Are not fuch commandsunjuft,or vaine ? Anf. No: not unjuft, becaufe in e4damwe were able to any thing ; God fhould requireofus. And vaine they are not,becaufe they aremeanes ofconverfion in Gods elet`ï, as toLydia, Acts 16.14. Wholeheart the Lordopened,thatfbe attended unto the things whichwereioken of Paul. Deut. ee 2 32. 3t