33 AnExpofitionof the 85 . Pfalme. Verf4. 3 2.46,47. Set your hearts unto all the Words Which I teflifse amongftyou for it is not a vaine thingforyou,2 Cor.2. 15, z 6. For weare unto Godafweet favour ofChrif, in them that areraved, and in them that perifh. To the one wee are thefavour ofdeathun to death, and to the other the favour of life unto life. And they leave the wicked without excufe, becaufe they yeeld not fuch obedience, as nature enables them unto. Lupe to. te, i r. The life for For admonition, this ferves to move every one, under a-, admonition, ny evill or mifery, corporali or fpirituall, to become a fol-. lower of Gods Church, in befeeching God togive delive- rance from it. This Chrift teacheth in the Lords prayer, de. liver usfrom evill, Mat. 6. i 3. /sany man affdiEted ? let him pray. ram. 5. 15. Herein wemull continue and watch, Col. 4. z. yea, pray andnot faint. Luk i 8. i. Remember the many sharp repulfeswhichChrilt gave to thewoman ofCa- naan.Mat. t 5. in the 23. verfe, he is filent: in the 24, he de- nyes he was fent to fuch : in the 26, he likens her to a dog : but in the 28. there is this happy conclufion,O Woman,7reat is thyfaith : be it unto thee, even as thou Wilt. Obj. But naturals men cannot pray. Anfw. Not fo well as they ought, but let them do fo well as they can : as did the Arineviteslonah3.8. and get others to pray for them, as Simon Magus did, flits 8.24. do, as the fick of the palfey did, char. 2.3. who got foure men to bear him, being not ableof himfelfto come to Chrift. The life for For comfort, this íhewes that í ; ods Church bath no e- comfort. vili to befall them, fromwhich theyhave not an all- fuffici- ent deliverer, towhom they may go:as Dan. 3. 17. And this door cannot be Tut up againft them : as 2 (or. 4 8. Weare troubledon every fde, yet not diflref fed : therefore re- member andapply the precept, Phil. 4. 6. Be carefullfor no- thing : but in every thing, byprayer andfupplication With thanl¿efgiving,letyour requeft be made known untoGod. And caufe thine anger towards us to ceafe. The fecond requeft ofthe Church,here made unto God, for the ceafing ofhis anger,that is,forthe removall ofhis judgemets,whieh they