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VerC4. AnExpefitiMe f the 85 . Pfalnre. they conceive to come from his anger, provoked by their firmes. This petitionmay beconfidered twowayes. Firfi, with reference to the confcllion, made in the former verfe fe- condly, by it felfe. In the former verfe we have this 'confellïon, Thou ha4E taken away all thy wrath, and turned thy fclfe from thefierce- nefe of thine anger : yet here the Church intreats, that God would caufe his anger toward them to ceafe. How do thefe things agree ? well enough, ifwe referre the confeflîon to the time of their return out ofBabilon,caufed byCyrw,Ezra 1. Pfal. I 26.1,3. and this fupplication to force time oftrou- bles, that befell them after their return, as under Cambyfes, e/irtaxerxes, or Antiochus Eptph.rnes, in which times the adverfaries did fore vexe Gods people. Now then in this reference fee plainly. That Gods Church and people, whohave formerly felt his great favour and love, may afterward come to the fenfe and feelingofhis bitter anger and difpleafure. This thing is plain in this I- falme, by comparing the firlt verfe with the lift and fixt ; alfo, in the 29. and 3 0. chapters of the book of rob : and in David, Salomon, Afa, ?ehofaphat, Heze- kiah and many others, both for their own perlons, and the people ofGod undertheir government. For Davids per- fon, fee Pfal. 3 0. 6, 7. Ifaid in my profferity, IJhall never be moved thoudidft hide thyface , and I was troubled. And for theeftate ofGods people under him, Pfal. 89.20, 28. comparedwith the ; 8.and 39. verfes: in his time were warre, famine and peltilence. For Salomon, hispeace, pow- er and plenty are at large fet down, i Kings Io. 27. &c.his troubles,chapt. i 1. i 1.&c. For AJa,hispower and peace, fee 2 Ckron.14.6. his great conqueft over the Ethiopians,verfe 9. the joy ofhis people renewing covenant withGod, chap. 15.15.but,chap. i 6.8,9.a great change. So for 7ehofaphat, 2. ('hran. t 7. 3. the Lord was with him : and ver.5. he had riches and honour ingreat abundance ; yet, chapter a 9.2. e e 3 wrath 53 The fourth Observation.