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34 14$Expofti.nofthe85. *time. VerC 4, wrath from the Lord was toward him : andchap zo. fear. full warre was made againft him. Sofor Hezekiah ; the Lordwas with him, and he profpered whitherfoever hee went forth, 2 Kings z 8. 7. and, by ref}oring ofreligion,he brought great joy to Gods people at 1eru'a1em, 2 Chron, 3o. 26. and dealing uprightly, he profpered, 2 C'hron. 3 r 2 i . but, chap. 3a. troubles come upon him by Senacherib andyet, upon Gods deliverance, he was magnified in the fight ofall nations, verfe 22, 23. but,verfe 24. he is tick un- to death : fromwhichbeingextraordinarily delivered, he was liftedup with pride, and fo wrath was toward him, verfe 25. The firfi The reafon hereof is twofold, Firft, and molt ufually, Reafon. correction for finne, as we may fee in the forenamedexam- plesofDavid, Salomon, Afa, ehofaphat andHezek.ah. So Pfal. 89. 3 i, 3 2. If they breakmyftatutes, andkeep not my commandements. Thenwill I vi fit their tranfgrefons with feeond the rodde, andtheir iniquities Withftripes. The R Secondly, Goddoth it fometime for the trial! of grace: as is plain in lob, by Gods own confeffion, lob 2.3. Still he holdethfait his integrity, although thon moveft me again him, to deftroy him without caufe. This ferves for inítruc4ion, admonition and comfort. The UTe for For inftruáion : fee here, that the Church of God, here rnflru Lion. on earth, isvery fitly refembled to the moon, not only, for receiving all the light ofknowledge and comfort the hath from Chrift, but evenbecaufe of change and alteration in elate. As the moon is fometimes in thewane and eclipfe, and fometimes in the full, fo is Gods Church here on earth. Though outward profperity, with the fenfe and feeling of Gods favour, do moft properly belong to Gods Church and people ; yet they arenot fo intailed upon them infalli- bly, but that many times, inftead ofprofperity, they have great mifery. Chrift is tohis Church, for joy and comfort, the funne of righteoufneffe ; but yet, fometimesthe light ofhis coun- tenance dothnor appear for many dayes. For