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Verf.4. Expofition-of the 85 . Pfalme. For admonition it fervcs two wayes. Firft, in thedayes ofpeace and comfort to take heed ofall (inne, as being the true caufe ofeclipfing the light of Gods favour : as we may fee ingeneral I, Lam.3.39. Wherefore dot', a livingmanCom- plain ? a manfor the punifl,ment ofhisfinnes ? verfe 42. me have tranfgreffed, and have rebelled, tkou haft not pardoned. Ifwe would know the caufes of Gods anger mere particu- larly, in thofe fpeciall finnes that Airre up his wrath, fee before in the third verfe, thenfe ofadmonition upon the firft obfervation. Secondly, when Gods favour is any way eclipfed to- wardshis Churchor any member ofit, hence learne to en- quire into the true caufe thereof, which ordinarily is forge finne, orfinnes : for the findingout whereof we mull ufe Cods law, as ?ofbuah did the lot to find out Alchan with theexecrable thing, of 7.18. and the Mariners did to find out Jonah, 7onah 1. 7. This concerns every one for the true peace of his own foule, that hereby they may he brought to repentance and reformation, and fo hhall Gods favour be reftored unto them. For comfort, this makes greatly to thofe, that fend and feele Godsanger towards them, either in outwardcroll'es, or in inward terrors. Herein confider, thyltate is no worfe then Gods deareft children have been in,as 7ob,David,&c. doe therefore, as they have done, repent ofthy finnes, pray for mercy, and waft by faith and patience, and peace (hall come. The Petition, confidered in it felf, fets beforeus this pra- etife ofGods Church and children. That, when they lye under any evill or mifery, they pray for the removall of Gods anger towards them. See Pfal.74. z . OGod, why halt thoucall us o ff for ever ? why doth thine angerfmoak againft theJheep ofthypafture ? Pfal. 79. i. &c. OGod, the heathen are come into thine inheritance, thy holy temple have theyk- filed, theyhave laid Jerufalem on heaps, &c. Pfal. 89.46. Flom long Lord, wilt thou bide thy[elffor ever ? fball thy mrxth 35 The firft ufe for admo- nition. The feeond tile for ad- monition. The ufe for comfort. The fft Obfervatiou.