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36 Alt Expofitionof the 85. Pfalme., Vert`. 4; Wrath burn likefire ? So did David,Pfal.38 . i,&c. OLord, rebukeme not in thy Wrath : neither chaftenme in thy hot dif- pleafasre, &c. The Reafon. The reafon is, becaufe they know,that all affili6lion comes by divinedifpenfation, and ordinarily is the proper fruit of Godsanger provoked by ourfinnes : fee yob. 5. E. AfjiiEti- on cometh not forth ofthe dug, neither doth trouble (firing out oftheground. It is a thing ofGdds fending, Ifaiah 45.7. I forme the light, and create darknef e, Imake peace, andcreate evil!. I the Lorddo all thefe things. Amos 3. 6. Is there e- vill in the City, and the Lordhath not done it ? Mat. i o: 29. Afarrowfhall not fall on theground without your father. The fword, the famine, thenoyfome beans, and the pefti- lence are Gods foure fore judgements, Ezek, 14. 2 t, The This ferves for hint action and for admonition. Vile for in- For initruction twowayes. Firft, it lets us fee theblind- ftruftion. neffeof force, that in miferies never confider Gods anger, but only look at fecond caufes : hereofthe prophet Ifaiah dothcomplain, Ifaiah. 26. I r. Lord, When thy hand is lif- tedup, they will notfee. This provokes to anger, and delire ofprivate revenge, which is a brutifh part : the dogbites at the none, without regard to him that threw it. The fecond Secondly fee,what a defperate courfe they take, that un- Ufe for in- der miferies ufe unlawful! means tohelp themfelves : as e- í{ruftion. fpecially theydo, that go to wizards and witches: they en- creafe thewrath ofGod against themfelves, as Saul didby The firíu ufe this courfe, i Chron. t o. 1 3, t 4.. See Ifaiah 8.19. for admo- For admonition three wayes. Firft, in every mifery we niúon. must do as Gods Church here doth, lift upour thoughts to Gods anger against us provoked by our finnes. For ordina- rily mifery is a fruit of Gods anger against our iniquity:and therefore, if we delire the removal! of the evill, we muff take a courfe for the appeafing of Gods anger : which is only to bedone through Chrift his fonne, whomGod hath let forth to be a propitiation for finne, Rom. 3.5. t 'ohn con 2. life for ad- d 2,. The Secondly, as we delire to efcape evills, we mutt beware of ¡noI11ä011.