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Verf. 5. AnExpofition ofthe85. Pfalntes of provoking the Lordto anger, t Cor. io. 22. Do wepro- vo1 ' the Lord tojealoufie? are weftronger then he?Jer.7.19. Do they provoke me to anger,faith theLord ? do they not pro- voke: themfelves, to theconfufonoftheir o*nfaces-? Thirdly, that under every mifery, we follow the Church The third in prayer to C-od, for the appearingof his anger. This will Ule for ad- prevaile, if it be joyned with true humiliation. See 2 Chron. monition. 6.36, 37. compared with chap.7. i 3, 14, and confiderhow farre Ahab prevailed. i Kings 21.27,29. Verfe 5. Wilt thou be angry With us for ever ? wilt thou drawout thine anger to allgenerations ? 6. Wilt thou not revive us again, that thypeople may re joyce in thee ? Hefe words eon taine the Churches humblecomplaint Themeaning unto God for two great evills : firft, the long conti- of the words. nuance of his anger toward them : fecondly, the long delay ofhis favour from them. The long continuance of his anger is twife propounded, verfe 5. to expreíle their deeper fenfe thereof,& their more earneíf delire tohave it removed. The delayof his favour is lamented, in the fixt verfe, and there amplified by the good effecct ofhis renewing thereof, namely,their rejoycing in him. In their double complaint of his anger continued note two things. Firíf, that Gods anger may long continue towards his The fníi ownchildren and people. This is the matter of their corn- Obferyatic* plaint in this place : and fo, Pfal. 74. i . OGod, why haft thou raft its offfor ever ? why doth thine angerfmoak again(t the (beep of thy pafture. Verfe I e. O God, how long fhall the adverfaey reproach ? fballthe enemy blafßheme thy-namefor ever ? Pfalm 77. 7, 8, 9. Will theLord caft offfor ever ? andwill he be favourable no more ? Is his mercie cleane gone for ever ? ddth his promife faile for evermore? Hath Godforgotten to be Pracieus ? bath he in a 37 f f a7;ger