Verf.5. AH!.xpofatioMofthe 85. Ffatme. veufly, c c. Though there three men, Noah, Daniel, And jobWere in it, they fhould deliver but their ownfoules 6y their own righteoufneJ e, The fecond reafon is thecontinuir:g of fcandall and re- The fecona proach unto religionsamongít the wicked, by the grievous Rea[on finnes of Godschildren. Though they themfelves may tru- ly repent, yet their finnes, caufing the enemies of religion to blafpheme, may procure the contirs_!anceof Gods anger .: mporal:l judgements .: as in David: cafe, z Sam. i 2.. O. &c. This ferves for inftruc`tion, admonition andcomfort. The firf For inítrution twowayes. Firít, it lets us fee, what a ufefor fearfull thing it is to live in impenitency, or to commit fins ítruftion. that are fcandalous to religion, though we do repent , for both thefe wayes we kindle Gods anger, and who may ¡land whenhe is angry ? for thereupon followes deftruai- on. See Pfal. 2. 12. Pfal. 76. 7. The fecond Secondly, here fee whobe the greateft enemies to the ufe for welfareof anycitate, Church, Commonwealthor family: firuaion. namely, the wicked, who commit finne with greedineffe, and draw iniquity as it were with cart-ropes Thefe are the perlons, that bring plague, famine, warre andotherjudge- ments.For alp iftion followeth finners:where is lying,fwea- ring, ftealing,&c.where theLord bath a controverfiewith the inhabitants, Hof4.1, &c. fo ?er.23. r c. becaufe offwea- ring the land mourneth, &c. and r Kings i 8. i 8. Thouart he that troubles Ifrael. For admonition two wayes. Firft, takenotice of the The first caufes,for which Godsanger is kindled, and doth continue, ufe foradmo. that we may avoid them : and when we have feare or fee- 'I"' lingof his anger, then make fore we lookback towards our finnes committed,and fee what repentance we have íhewed and reformation: and everbeware ofhypocrifieand offcan- dalous finnes. Secondly, tobeware ofrafh judgement, either againft ufefor adona our ferves, or others, when Gods anger doth long continue m°- nitiea. towards us, or them. Indeed this state caufeth the godly ff 2 to 39