Pierson - BS1429 P53 1647

An Expofition of the 85. Pfa Verf 5A to think themfelves forfaken ofGod ; as If 49. 1 4. and to judge hardlyofothers, that be in that eftate: as ?ob4.7.but both without good ground. Thereforewe mat do, as Mi. cha 7. 8,9,10. Rejoyce not againff me,.Omine enemy : when Ifall, Ifhallrcrife, &c. The Life for For comfort to them, that lye long under the heavy comfort. hand of God in any affli'ion, in foule, body, or outward eftate , wherein they cannot but apprehend Gods an- ger continued. They muff confider , that herein nothing doth befall them , but what hath light on Gods deere children, and therefore muft neither murmure, nor de- fpaire. The fecond The fecond thing to be ohferved, is the behaviour of Obfervat ion. Gods people, under the fenfe aii feeling of Gods long continued anger, They returne tohim, that fmote them, in humble complaint of his long continued anger toward them. See Pfal. L4.9, 1 o, 17, 23. Pfal. 14. 1, 2.. So in rob, yob 7. 7, 8, 12. in `David, Pfd. 6.1. Pfd. 38. Pfal. 88. i 4. in Chrift Jefus, in his agony, (..Mat. 26. 38, The &it 39 Reafon. For firft, they know that affieions comes from God, Amos 3.6. it comes not by chance, yob 5. 6. but by divine 7` fecond providence and difpenfation, c.í`Tat. o. 29,30. The Rea 2. They knowGod fends them afi3k'rions,to make them feek unto him, Hof. S. 14,15. If. 26. 6. as e44bfolom, by fetting on fire ?nabs corne field, brought yoab to come to him, 2 Sam. 14. 29. &c. The third 3. They know that,, till Gods anger be appeafed, the Reafon. ftrongeft helps do faile,yob 9. 13. The fourth 4. That, when they complainwithgodly forrow, God Reafon. is merciful!, and will hear and help, Exod. 22. 27. when be cryeth unto me,. I will heare, for I am gracious, .Pfal. 22. 24. Hebath not def jifed,. nor abhorred the affliftion of the rftitled, neither hath he hid hisface from him : but, when hecried,unto him, he heard, Pfal. 5 i. 17. A contrite and 4 broken heart, 0 Gods thou wilt not dejfiife, Bal. 102.17. Et will