I6 AnExpofition of thez7. Pfalrme. Verf.z. David hisfervent, and toolz himfrom the Jheepfold. The fecund Secondly, Davidtrufted inGod, and fowas holpen. Pf. Reafon. 62, t, 2, 3. Trulymyfoul wrtitethupon God: from him co- methmyfalvation. He onely is my rock, and myfalvation he is my defence, I /hall notgreatly be moved. How long will ye imagine mifchiefagainfl a man?yefball 6eHainall ofyou: ou abowing wallJhallye be, andas a totteringfence. Pfal.2 t. 7, 8. The King truffeth in the Lord , and through the mercy ofthemof1 high he¡hall not be moved, &c. Pfal. 91. I, 2, 9. He that dwelleth in thefecret place of themoil high, Jhall a- bideunder thefhadom ofthe Almighty, 05-c, The third Thirdly, Davidprayed unto the Lord, and fo was pre- Reaton. ferved. Pfal. s 6.9. When I cry unto thee , then fhallmine enemies turn back¿: this I know, for God isfor me. Pf. 34.4. Ifought the Lord,andhe heardme, and deliveredmefrom all my feares. Verf. 6. This poor mancried , and the Lord heard him, and Pavedhim out of all his troubles. This duty hath Gods promife. Pfal. 5o. i 5. Call upon me in the day oftrouble, Iwill deliver thee, and thoufhalt glorifieme. The fourth Fourthly, Davidmadeconfcience offinne, and walked in Reafon. in obedience. Pfal. i 8. 21, 24. For Ihavekept the ways of theLord , and have not Wickedly departedfrom my God. Therefore hatb the Lord recompenfed mee according to my righteoufnefe. The fifth Now for his enemies , God would not be with them, Reafon. for thefecaufes. Firft, they were not called of God , nor fent by him againit David : Pfal. i C. 2. pride, malice, and covetoufnefle stir up the wicked. The fixt Rea- Secondly, they werewicked men, workers ofiniquity:as Pon. Ve f. I. withwhomGod will not joyn for helpand affift- ance. lob. 8.28. God will not call away aperfect man, neither will hehelp the evill doers. Pfal. 94.2o. Shall the throne of iniquity have fellòwfhip with thee, which fra- methmifchief by a Law ? Pfal. 5. 4, 5', 6. Thouart not a God that haft pleafure in wickednef1 : neither fhallevill dwell with thee, &c. Pfal. 56. 7. Shall they efcapeby ini- guitie ? Third