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doExpefitlonofthe 8S. Pjlme. Var. 6. Verle 6. Wilt thou not receive acr again, that thy people may rejoyce in thee The meaning` He fecond complaint of Gods Chdreh and people, for of the words. the long delay of his love and favour, which, teftified by ref}oring them to comfortable itate,they eleem and ac- compt as life it Pelf; and therefore do complain ofthewant thereof, as of the Rate of death :. for the change whereof they have recourfeto God, faying, Wilt not thou receive us again ? moving him thereto by his good fruit and effect thereof, that thy people may rejoyce in thee : as if they fhould have faid, whileWe remain in mifery, under thefenfe of thy difpleafure, weare as dead men, and therefore do complain to thee, who by removing our mifery, and renewing thyfavour, canft revive us ; whereuponWillfollow this goodeffetl, that we thypeople (hall rejoyce in thee, which will be for thy gla-2 ry. Here then we have to confider, as well the Churches], complaint, asher reafon,propounded to move God to give them relief from that mifery, whereof they complain. The firft In their complaint note two things the fira implyed, óbiervation. That the fenfeofGodsdifpleafure, in a fiateofmifery, is to Godspeople, as a fiate ofdeath, Pfal. 3 I. 9,10,1 i . David complains ofhis trouble and mifery, and verfe 12. faith, Ion forgotten, as adeadman out ofmind : Iam likea bro- ken veffell, Pial. 88. 3,4,5. ciTtyfoule is full of troubles : andmy life draweth nigh unto thegrave. Iam counttd with them, thatgo down into thepit : I am as a man that bat tno ftrength. Free among the dead, like theflain, that he grave, Whom thou remembrefl no more : and they are cut off from thine hand. The Rearon The reafonhereof is, the high efteem, whichGods peo- ple haveofhis favour,when once they have felt the joy and comfort ofit intheir foules : as, Pfal. 3 c. 5. In hùfavour islife,.Pfal.63.3. Thy loving kjndnefJe ibetter then life. for look,as the reafonable foule is afpirit of life fromGod, RIIIIII II