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Verf. 6. As Expefitienefthe 8g. Pfalse. 43, quickening the body, andgivingunto it fenfe andmotion, Gén. 2. 7. fo, Gods favour, teftified to the foule,by the fpi- rit ofgrace, gives a lively cheerfulnefíe to the heart ofman, which makes him leap for joy, Pfal. 3 2. i I. Beglad in the Lord, and rejoyce, ye righteous, and f outforjoy allye that are upright in heart :yea, even in affidion ; as,AC`ïts 5.41. they rejoice With joy unf j:eakable, andfull of glory, i Pct. i . 8. This ferves for inftru&ion and admonition. The firíl life For inftruc`fion twowayes. Fir ft,it gives light to thebet- for inalrufti- ter underftandingof fomeplaces ofScripture, which under on. the termesof life and refurretion,note out unto us the cal- lingofthe Jewesr-wherewithall God will vouchfafe unto them comfortable outward efface; as, Ifaiah 26.19, Thy deadmenfall live, &c. In aífurance whereof, was (hewed to Ezekiel thevifion of the drybones, raifed up to a great Army, Ezek, 3.7. 1. &c. there plainly ¡hewed to belong to their reftoring, by theunion ofthe twonicks, to liignifie the union of?udah and Ifrael, verfe io. &c. This is their re- furreOtion, from the duff of diftrefie, Dan. 1 2. I, for,.What !hall their refloringbe,faith Sr, Paul, but life from thedead. Rom.I I,i 5. secondly, it lets us fee a plain difference, betweenGods Ltfeforte cond children, and naturali men under affliction. The child of i 'utie oro God layes more to heart Gods difpleafure towards him, teftifiedby his afflition, then theof i&ion it felf. As a to- wardchild is more grieved, that his loving father is offen- ded with him, than for the fmart of hiscorreLion. This David(hewed in his flight from Abfolom, when hee bade Zadock theprieft carry back the arkof God into the City, 2 Sam. 15. 25,26. If,faithhe, Ifhallfindfavour in the eyes oftheLord, he will bringme again, andfhew me both it, and his habitation. But, ifhe thusfay, Ihave no delight in thee, behold hereI am, let himdo to me, asfeemethgoodunto him. Secondly, they more defìre the feeling ofCods favour,then the removal] of theaß'idion : as Pfal. 5 I. 8. after Nathan had told David, The Lordbath prat away thy Pine, thou' Aide